Chapter Fifty Nine

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 59

"Landry, sometimes I just don't understand you," Carin said with a little laugh the day before I was supposed to leave for Canada. 

"Why?" I asked, plopping down on the couch.

"Because you're so mad at Justin one minute, and the next, you're going on another vacation with him."

"So?" I muttered. I really didn't want to talk about Justin. Not now. Not with Carin. Not after what happened in the Bahamas. 

Carin sighed exasperatedly. "I just don't understand why. Did y'all make up?"

I shrugged. "Somewhat. I'm still kinda upset, but I told him we could more or less start over, but slowly. He said that going to Canada would be like starting over."

Carin shook her head while she sat down next to me. Obviously she didn't understand my reasoning. "What were y'all even fighting about in the first place?"

I fell silent and looked away. 

"Come on, Landry," Carin said. "I want to help."

"I don't want help," I mumbled. 

"Well, you need help. Whatever happened between you two has knocked you off your game. I want to know what happened so you can talk to me about it."

"I don't want to talk about it, though!"

Carin sighed. "Fine." She rose and walked into the kitchen. 

I rolled my eyes, and laid down on the couch. That lovely conversation made me want to call Justin and tell him not to come over to help me pack for the Canada trip because all that's going to come out of Carin's mouth is 'What happened between y'all?'

I closed my eyes just trying to rest a little, but the next thing I knew, I was being lightly shaken on my shoulder. 

"Landry, wake up," said a soft voice. 

I peeked my eyes open- fighting the sleepiness- a tiny bit. Justin was sitting on his knees on the floor next to the couch, with his hand on my shoulder. He was the one shaking me. 

When he saw me open my eyes a little, he smiled softly at me. 

I groaned. "Did I fall asleep?"

Justin laughed lightly, and nodded. 

I yawned, and sat up. Justin got up off the floor and sat next to me. Close. Like, our thighs were touching. And his hand came up, threatened to rest on my knees, but decide not to, and he rested his hands in his lap. 

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Justin, what happened to your hand?"

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