Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

I walked down the stairs to see what Carin and Scooter were doing considering I hadn’t really talked to either of them since I’ve been here. However, when I reached the bottom step, I didn’t find them to greet me. Instead, I found myself face to face with a water gun. Yes, inside the house. 

Oh, and guess who was holding it. 


Before I could open my mouth to say anything, Bieber went trigger-happy and started spraying me with the water gun.

He danced around me while laughing maniacally, completely soaking me from head to toe. I was in too much shock to move because the water was ice cold. I tried to hold myself together, and I kept telling myself that if I don't react, then he will get bored and leave me alone. 

But when he undid the top of the water gun and dumped the entire water contents that remained inside on top of my head, I had enough. 

I just did my best not to go all shizo on him and kick his soon-to-be-sorry ass. But by the time he was done and the gun was empty, I was fuming. I was breathing hard, and I realized that this kid was smirking at me. 

I put on a fake smile and took a step forward towards him, closing in a lot of space between us. Something in his expression changed, but that was before I raised my hand and slapped him across the face. Hard. 

He recoiled and put his hand where I had slapped him. The look on his face was pure shock.  

I smirked and walked past him, purposely bumping into his shoulder harder than normal. 

I was soaking wet. My hair was dripping, and my clothes were on the verge of being see through. It was a big-ass water gun, so it held a lot of water- the water that was now covering my entire body.

I sauntered towards the laundry room where the towels were, and with a glance behind me, I realized that I had left a trail of water on the floor. Oops. 

On the way to the laundry room, I was stopped by Carin, Scooter, and Pattie. They were looking at me with questions written all over their faces, but none of them voiced what they were thinking. I pointed behind me in what I thought was the direction of Justin, but he had just walked behind me and into the room. This time, it was him who bumped into my shoulder harder than necessary, glaring at me as he passed.

His cheek was bright red from where I had slapped him. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. 

Pattie, Scooter, and Carin watched him as he walked over and sat down on the couch that was across from the one that they were sitting on. They all were staring at his cheek. 

Sucks to be him. 

Scooter let out a little laugh, and said as calmly as he could, "Justin, what happened?"

Justin shook his head and put his chin in his hands, purposely avoiding all eye contact. 

Scooter and Pattie turned to me while Carin got up and left the room. 

"Landry, what happened? You come in soaking wet, and Justin comes in with a slap mark on his face," Scooter said to me.

"Well, you kinda just put two and two together," I mumbled. 

He gave me a serious look. 

"Okay, okay," I said. "I came downstairs and I was greeted to a water gun in the face. Then he opened the cap thing on top and dumped the rest on top of me. So I slapped him."

Carin walked back in holding an ice pack. She handed it to Justin who was silent, staring at the floor. He took it, put it on his cheek, and mumbled a “thank you” to her. 

"Her slaps hurt," he murmured. "A lot."

"Sucks," I said before walking off to the laundry room to get my towel. 

I first attempted to dry my hair, wrapping it up and leaving it on top of my head. I took another towel, and put it around my shoulders. 

"Hey, Landry?" Carin called from the other room. "Can you come here for a minute?"

Great. Am I in trouble? I didn't do anything wrong!

"Yeah." I left the towel in my hair, but put the other in the washer. I was still wet, but not as bad. 

I walked back out to where everyone was sitting. 

"Nice look," Justin smirked, noticing the towel on top of my head. 

Not now kid. You really don't need to piss me off any more. 

I know he used sarcasm, but if he wasn't... that was what I went for.

"Yeah, well, I would say the same thing for you, but I'd be lying."

He started to get up, and he had an angry look on his face. "Oh, and you-"

"Guys! Stop!" Scooter shouted. 

Justin and I hesitantly turned our attention to him. We were too busy glaring at each other to really care what he had to say.

"Sit down," Scooter ordered. 

"Woof," I heard Justin mumble so Scooter couldn't hear him. I let out a little smile as I sat down on the floor because that was actually kind of funny. I mentally scolded myself. Damn it, Landry, you can’t let him get to you.

When I gave Scooter my attention, I noticed Carin and Pattie leaving the room. Uh oh. 

"Okay you two," Scooter started. "You've got to stop doing little things like this. It will be the longest summer for everyone else if you don't stop bickering!"

"Wait," I said. "What makes you think that I will be hanging around this thing any longer?" I motioned to Justin, receiving an eye roll from him in return. 

He said, "And I have to put up with this bitch for-"

"Language Justin!" Scooter yelled, obviously starting to get mad. 

I laughed a little. Ha ha, point for me. Justin got yelled at. 

Scooter took a deep breath, then continued. "And Landry, I don't know how to break this to you, but-"

"I do! I know how to tell her!" Justin cut in, sounding exactly like a little kid. "Like this: Landry, you will be coming on world tour with me this summer."

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