Chapter Forty Seven

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 47

*One month later*

*Justin's POV*

"Hey babe," Landry said as I walked in the room. She was sitting on the couch in the family room of my house in Atlanta, with her computer in her lap. She hung out here more than she did at Carin and Scooter's house because we were both still mad at him. And I was always with her, and really just didn't feel like dealing with him. 

But the good thing was that we weren't on tour anymore, and so we didn't have do deal with him all the time. 

I smiled and sat down next to her. "Hi," I replied, pecking her once on her lips. 

She grinned, and turned her attention back to her computer. 

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously, putting my arm around her shoulders. I looked at the screen and saw that she was on twitter. 

"I'm just looking through some of my mentions," she said with a little laugh. "It's funny because they're all about you."

I smirked. That was probably true. 

See, even though Landry and I have been dating three months now, we still hadn't publicly announced it. But paparazzi had enough pictures of us together that it was pretty much a given. Yet, still some of my fans were confused at what Landry and I were to each other. Meaning they didn't know we were together. 

"Why don't we tell them?" I asked randomly. 

Landry turned her head to look at me. Her expression was confused. 

"I mean about us," I continued. "Why don't we tell the world?"

She nodded her head understandingly, but then said, "But then... I don't know... won't things get more... intense? Like, with your fans and all?"

I shook my head no. "Nope. And this way I can show you off to the world, and not have to worry about what rumors are going around about us."

She smirked. She knew as much as I did that there were tons of rumors going around about us. Some true, some not. 

"Well?" I asked. "Can I?"

She smiled, but it seemed uneasy.  "If you want to and that would make you happy, then sure."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, and put on a small smile.  

I studied her. She obviously wasn't okay. "Your nervous about the hate, aren't you?" I asked. 

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