Chapter Forty Six

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Chapter Forty-Six

*Landry's POV*

I woke the next morning face-to-face with Justin. Our noses were barely a centimeter apart, and he was already awake, just watching me. 

I immediately turned away from him. 

"Aw, babe," Justin said in a really sad, quiet voice. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you last night."

He put his hand on top my hip and rubbed his thumb back and forth in a massaging way. 

Too bad I was still upset with him. You know, it hurts when your boyfriend calls you a bitch.  

"Come on," he said pleadingly. 

"Please talk to me."

I ignored him. If he can openly call me a pushy bitch, then he can deal with me not talking to him for a while. 

I'm actually surprised that he even slept in the same bed as me. After I had taken a shower last night, he kept trying to talk to me, but I ignored him. So, he went to go shower. By the time he was done with his shower, I had fallen asleep.

I pulled myself out of the warm covers and dragged myself sleepily across the room. I grabbed clothes to change into and went to the bathroom to change. 

Justin showed up in front of the door right before I could shut it. He stuck his foot in the door to keep it from closing. 

"Landry, please," he whispered. His facial expression was filled with pain and sorrow. "I am so sorry. Please talk to me."

I looked away from him. "Justin," I said quietly. "If you really think I'm just a pushy bitch, then leave me alone. I got it. You made your point very clear. I was only trying to help you and try to make you feel better, but you just pushed me away."

"But you're not a pushy bitch!" he countered desperately. "You're amazing and you're so sweet for wanting to help and you just care so much, but I just . . . I can't . . . " he trailed off and looked at the ground.

"Justin, please move so I can change," I sighed, motioning to his foot in the door's path that was still keeping me from closing it. 

He did, but hesitantly and slowly. As soon as he moved his foot away, I slammed the door in his face. 

I did my morning routine and then exited the bathroom. 

Justin was still standing in the doorway, except now he was blocking me from exiting the restroom. 

"Please move, Justin," I said. 

He shook his head no. 

I sighed. Then I literally pushed past him using my shoulder. I made my was past him about two steps before he grabbed my hips and spun me around to face him. 

"Justin," I warned, staring him directly in the eyes. He better not try to do something sweet while I was mad at him. 

"Baby, please," he begged, keeping his hands firm on my hips. "I'm sorry for calling you a pushy bitch last night. I'm really sorry. And I'm sorry for snapping at you. I shouldn't have. It's just . . . that Cameron kid really got . . . got under my skin."

I was studying at him. His expression had changed when he mentioned his conversation with Cameron. It changed into a expression modeling pain and anger and hurt. I didn't understand why. 

"And . . . I'm not . . . allowed to tell it to you," he whispered. 

Since I had no clue what he was talking about when it came to the 'it' he was referring to, I just let it slide.

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