Chapter Twenty One

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 21  

"You ready to go?" Justin whispered in my ear. He was behind me with his arms around me, and his chin was resting on my shoulder. 

We were still on top of the Eiffel Tower. It was about eleven-forty five, and we figured we better get going soon considering he had a concert tomorrow. 

"Yeah, I guess," I said. I really didn’t want to leave, but I knew we had to. We each took one last look at the view before we started heading down the stairs.  

Justin wrapped his arm around me- the one that was holding my hand, so it was raised up a little- and I put my head in the crook of his neck. Taking in the smell of his cologne, I tried not to shut my eyes in bliss because walking down stairs blind would be quite difficult. He smelled really good. And no, that's not weird to say. I'm allowed to say that about my boyfriend. 

I smiled, just thinking of that word. 


Justin is my boyfriend. 

Man, nothing could make me happier at this moment. 

"Hey, Landry?" Justin asked, bringing me from my thoughts. 

"Yeah?" I asked, lifting my head and opening my eyes. 

Justin was smiling at me. Dammit, that gorgeous smile that made me melt every time.  

He kissed my forehead for a second, and then whispered, "You look beautiful, by the way."

I smiled. "Aw, thanks babe."

*Justin's POV*

Hell to the yes. 

Oh my god.

Holy shit. 

This is the best day ever. 

I finally asked Landry- my baby girl- to be my girlfriend, and she said yes. 

She was gorgeous tonight, as she always was. 

She called me babe- something that I've wanted her to call me since I met her. 

And she loved where I took her. 


"Hey, babe?" she asked, looking up at me with those beautiful eyes of her's. She said 'babe' again. 

"Yes, my beautiful girlfriend?" I asked. 

She blushed and looked down. Aw, is she cute or what?

"Is Kenny still here?" she asked as the elevator doors opened. 

I nodded, and pecked her cheek before leading her to where I knew Kenny would be waiting.

When we got there, I opened the door for Landry, like a gentleman. 

She smiled at me, and said, "Thank you." 

"Of course," I replied, getting in after her and shutting the door behind me. I scooted myself right up next to her, and she smiled at me. 

"So how'd it go?" Kenny asked teasingly from the front seat. 

Instead of answering him with words, I figured I’d show him. Turning Landry so she was facing me, I crashed my lips to hers. It took her by surprise, but she wasted no time in kissing back.  

It's amazing how she makes me feel. She’s the only girl who can make me feel normal. She's the only girl who acts like I'm not a superstar. She's the only girl who is capable of making me nervous. And she’s the only girl who can fill my stomach with butterflies. 

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