Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The ride to the airport was pure hell.

I had originally thought that it may be cool to have other people my age around, but I though wrong. They were annoying as hell, just like their pop-star best friend. 

Kenny, Justin’s bodyguard whom I just met, was driving. Scooter pulled rank on us and rode shotgun. Pattie, Carin, and I were in the three middle seats of the van, and Justin, Ryan, and Chaz were in the back seat. 

I got lucky and sat next to the window. The only bad thing was that I could hear everything that Ryan and Chaz were whispering to Justin.

“Dude, you were right. She is hot.”

“Justin, why on earth would you be a dick to her?”

“Yeah, why would you try to piss her off? That’s idiotic!” 

“Are you going to ask her out?”

“Man, if you don’t go after her, then I will.”

I looked to my right. Carin and Pattie were studying me, probably wondering if I was listening to them, and what I was thinking about it. They could obviously hear the guys, too. 

I glanced behind me, motioning to the guys with my eyes, and then rolled my eyes dramatically. Carin and Pattie just chuckled before going back to minding their own business.

Within an hour, we were at the airport, had the plane loaded, and were set to go. It was a private jet, so it was very luxurious. Thankfully, I got even luckier and no one was sitting next to me.  I was towards the back where no one wanted to sit, so that’s why.  I purposely picked my seat just so no one could bother me.

Since it was only about six-thirty in the morning, I was still pretty tired. I leaned my head against the window of the jet, and before I knew it, my eyes had automatically shut, and I was asleep. 


I don’t know how much later, but sooner or later, I woke up.  The sun was shinning through the jet window, and I could see the clouds floating by.

I sighed, but froze when I realized that I was leaning on something. Well, more like someone. 

“Hey,” said a soft, quiet voice. 

I shot up, but immediately got dizzy from moving too fast all of a sudden. 

“Careful,” Justin said.  “Don’t hurt yourself.”

I rubbed one of my eyes while saying, “How long have you been here?”

He smiled small. “About half an hour. You fell asleep against the window, and it didn’t look very comfortable, and I thought that I’d make a better pillow. So I, um, moved you so you were leaning against me…”

I blinked. Uh, okay? Why would he care if I was comfortable or not? It’s not like he has before. He was supposed to be sitting at the front of the plane with his friends, and there really isn’t anyone else back here except me, so why is he back here? I doubt he came to see me.  

Justin was smiling at me, waiting for a reply.  “Uh, thanks,” I said, not knowing what else to say. 

“Um,” he shifted slightly in the seat.  “I kind of wanted to talk. If that’s okay.”

My eyebrows scrunched together. Why did he sound nervous? Why does he want to talk? Why is he being nice? “About what?”

Justin looked away from me.  “I’m sorry I’ve been such a douche.  I don’t know why, but that side only comes out when I’m around you.”

“Gee, thanks,” I said flatly.  “I feel so special.”

“No, that’s now what I meant,” he continued. “What I meant is that-“

“Yo, JB!” called a voice from the front of the plane. “Come here, we need to talk show for a minute!”

Justin’s face fell, and he sighed. “Hey, I’ll be back in a minute, okay?” he said to me. 

I nodded, somewhat confused. 

I watched him get up from the seat next to me and walk down the isle, disappearing into the front of the plane. 

I turned to look out the window again at the clouds going by, my mind spinning. What just happened?

My restless mind wandered from all over the place. Why does Justin want to talk to me? About what? Why did Ryan and Chaz keep saying that he was talking about me? What did Justin tell them about me? How come in the car they were talking about me- with me right in front of them? Why do I care so much? What does Justin think of me? 

What do I think of him? 

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