Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

When I woke up the next morning, it was because a sharp pain was flowing through my left arm and ribs. I slowly breathed through it, and very slowly rolled onto my back. It hurt just doing that. 

With all my strength, I made myself sit up. And after that, I made myself get out of bed and make my way to my suitcase and then to the bathroom. Thank god it's in the same room. 

I walked very slowly because I was in pain in every part on my body. But I guess that's what happens when you're beaten and raped. 

When I made it to the bathroom, I let out a gasp as I looked in the mirror. A huge purple and blue bruise was covering the right side of my jaw. I had five cuts on my face and neck alone. When I removed my shirt- slowly and painfully- with one arm, since one was dislocated, I found the gauze was still around my chest and stomach. But I could see bruises and cuts all over- including my arms. There had to be at least ten huge bruises, and twenty five cuts. 

I removed my shorts and cried out in more pain. This time I don't know why. Everything just hurt. I didn't even bother looking at the cuts and bruises on my legs. I had seen enough. 

I put on a soft, long sleeved, black shirt, over a tank-top, that covered my upper body completely- apart from my neck and head. I put soft, gray, sweat pants on, too. I was extremely hot, but I didn’t want to see any part of my body.

I took a deep breath before gathering the clothes I was wearing before and walking, again very slowly, back to bed. I dropped my clothes in my suitcase on the way. 

When I got to the bed, I bent down and pain shot through my ribs. I placed my hands on the bed and tried my best to ignore all the pain as I laid back down. 

It hurt so much, but I finally was laying down again- this time in better clothes. 

A knock came from the door. 

"Landry?" Carin said softly as she stuck her head inside the door. 

I smiled weakly at her as she walked in. She sighed and sat down next to me, careful not to touch me or move the bed a lot. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked softly. 

I closed my eyes. "I'm okay, I guess," I said, my voice cracking. “As good as you would expect.”

She sighed, and I opened my eyes again. "So, Pattie and Scooter know, as well as Jeremy. They are the only other three that know besides me and Kenny, so the rest of the team doesn't know. They know something is wrong, but the don't know what."

I nodded. "Okay. Kenny only knows because he was here when the doctor was?"

She nodded. "Does it hurt?"

"Like a bitch," I muttered. 

She smiled, but it looked pained. "Justin has been going out of his mind. He is freaking out. When he found out that his mom, dad, bodyguard, manager, and me all knew what happened to you, he lost it. He almost came in here at four this morning- and he would have if Kenny hadn't stopped him."

I sighed. "Did he sleep at all?"

Carin shook her head. "No. He was up all night tossing and turning on the couch. Kenny stayed up with him."

I looked down. I wanted to see Justin, but then again, I didn't. 

Another knock came from the door, and Kenny stuck his head in. "Hey," he said from the doorway. 

"Hi," I said weakly. 

He moved inside the room, shutting the door behind him. 

"Justin wants to see you," he said quietly. 

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