Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

*Landry's POV* 

I heard everything he said. 

He woke me up as soon as he opened the door. I heard him whisper that he was sorry. I heard him put something on my nightstand. I knew he picked up my phone and read something on it- probably a text from Blake. I felt him put a blanket over me. But I still didn't move. 

I didn't want him to know I was awake. I don't know why. My feelings were always messed up when it came to him. Maybe it was because I was still mad at him. 

When he left, I opened one of my eyes to make sure he was gone. When I saw that he was, I looked over to my nightstand and saw a single, purple rimmed orchid with a card sitting by it. Is that what he set there?

I sat up and took both the flower and the card. I smelled the orchid, smiled a bit because it was my favorite flower, and started reading the card. 

    *Dear Landry,

I'm sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I honestly have no idea why I'm such a douche towards you. This is not who I am, and I don’t know why I keep screwing things up. I’m really going to start trying to get on you good side because I don’t want to fight with you anymore. Everything I said today at lunch was not true, and I hope you can forgive me. I hope that I can show you that this isn’t me. I hope I can show you differently.


Allowing a small smile to slip onto my face, I smelled the flower once again. Who knew Mr. Famous had feelings? 

I got up out of bed with the flower and card and walked to my door. I opened it quietly and peeked out. Glancing down the hall that lead to the living area, I could see Justin sitting on the couch facing away from me, talking quietly on his phone. It seemed as if we were the only ones here. 

I crept closer so I could hear what he was saying. 

"Dad, I know I screwed up," he was saying quietly. "And I don't know what to do." 

He paused, listening to the other person- who I assume was his dad- talk. 

"Yeah, I do," he replied after a minute. "I really do like her. But I've screwed shit up so many times that I don't think it's even in the question for her to like me back."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Were they talking about me?

"I don’t think you understand," Justin was saying. "I have been nothing but mean to her since the day she got here."

Another pause. 

"Oh," Justin sounded a little bit happier. "Do you really want to know?"


“God, where do I even start?” Justin asked more to himself than his dad. “Okay, well the day we met, I closed a door directly in her face. I soaked her with a water gun inside the house. We had a food fight. I blew a whistle in her ear while she was sleeping. Chaz, Ryan, and I set off air horns while she was sleeping. I’ve given her shit about her parents getting divorced when I know it’s not her fault. I kissed her and walked away right after without saying anything-”


“Yes, I know! That’s the one I regret most! Not the kissing, but the walking away! I have no idea what came over me. I don’t know if I was just scared or what, but dad, it wasn’t like it was with anyone else. I’ve never felt that way before.”

Who talks to their dad like this?

“Yeah, I’ll do that,” he murmured.

I leaned against the wall and bent my arms so that the flower was straight up and down, and the petals were around my chest area. 

"Thanks dad," Justin said. He hung up his phone, set it down, and put his face in his hands. 

I think that this is where I should come in. 

"Who was that?" I asked, obviously knowing the answer. 

Justin quickly turned to face me. He stood up abruptly, accidentally knocking his phone to the ground. 

I rose a brow as he bent down to get it and slid it in his pocket. 

When his attention turned back to me, he noticed the flower in my hands, and a small smile came to his face. 

It was silent for a minute until he asked, "How long have you been standing there?"

I shrugged. "Not long."

"Well, how much did you hear?"

I just smiled as my answer. 

He blushed and looked at the floor. He knew that I heard him say that he liked me. 

"You heard all that?" he asked quietly, turning his attention back to me. He was still blushing faintly, and honestly, it was cute. 

I nodded and walked over to the seating area where he was. Sitting down on the couch, I crossed my legs so I was sitting Indian style. I put my hands in my lap after setting the orchid and card on my knee. 

Justin sat down across from me on the other end of the couch. He was just watching me, waiting to see what I would say. 

Picking up the card again, I reread it.

When I was done, I looked back at him, and, referring to the card, asked, "How do you plan on showing me differently?"


“You said that this isn’t who you were. Show me the real you. Not the one who is a dick.”

Justin's face grew a huge smile as I put the card back on my leg.  

Yes, I'm aware of what I just said. But if I have to give him somewhat of a chance just to stop the fighting, then I'll do it. I mean, yeah, I'll admit that it was rather cute of him to go out and buy me a flower as well as write me a note, but if this isn’t who he was, then who was he? I knew now he liked me, and that he was going to try to stop being a douche. Tthe second part was good. The first, I am not too sure about. But it also meant that he was going to try to prove to me that he wasn't the asshole he keeps coming off as. I don't know how that's going to work. 

Anyways, Justin looked like he was about to pee his pants from excitement. 

"Let’s go somewhere," he said suddenly, his smile not leaving his face for a millisecond. 

“Okay, where?”

When my eyes found Justin's again, I realized how wide his were. 

"Oh my god," he said. "I have an idea!"

He stood up quickly and grabbed my hand. Pulling me up along with him, knocking the flower and card off my leg and onto the couch, he basically dragged me to grab our shoes, and then we were out of the hotel room faster than I could say anything. 

Where the hell are we going? 

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