Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I slowly got out of the car, and stared up at the Eiffel Tower.  I had only dreamed about coming here, so it was surreal seeing it in person.  The magnificent tower was lit up against the night sky in beautiful contrast.  I had never been here before, but I quickly knew it was one of those places that anyone would gladly go back to, and I knew I would be visiting here again in the future.

"Hey," Kenny said from the car window, interrupting my thoughts. 

I turned to face him. 

"Justin said to go on up. He's at the viewing deck."

I smiled. "Okay, thanks."

I waved goodbye to Kenny, and made my way to the stairs since I didn’t see an elevator. It’s times like these where I’m glad I’m in great shape. 

It took me a few minutes, but I scaled the stairs without much difficulty.  Reaching the viewing area, I looked around.  It was silent, peaceful, and calm. I guessed that Justin was up here somewhere, obviously, and we were the only ones on here. I’m not sure how he managed to do that, but it probably had something to do with the fact that he is Justin Bieber. 

There was a slight breeze that blew my hair around a little as I walked out onto the viewing area. I walked over to the edge and placed my hands on the railing. 

The city was beautiful from up here. It was lit up a hundred different colors, and since it was night, they stood out like no other. It was beautiful. You could see for miles, so it was almost seemed never ending. 

I jumped a little when two arms wrapped around my waist from behind me. I knew it was Justin, but it still startled me. 

"Hey," he said very softly into my ear, pulling me backwards right up against him. 

"Hi," I said, an automatic smile coming to my face. 

Justin turned me around to face him. He was wearing a grey suit, and, I might add, he looked really good in it. His short hair was being moved around just a little bit from the soft wind. His eyes were soft and curved a bit from the smile on his face. 

I hugged him around his waist. He hugged me back around my shoulder area tighter. 

It's amazing how close we became in the last five days. After the conversation on the plane, we were basically inseparable. I went more or less everywhere he did, and that was because he basically dragged me with him. Not that I have a problem with it at all, because I didn't. 

Justin let go of me, but intertwined his hand with mine. 

We started walking around the top of the Eiffel Tower, just getting the view from different angles. Justin would point out significant buildings as we could see them from where we were. I enjoyed every minute of it. 

It took a while, but when we got back to where we started, we stopped walking. There was a bench against the wall, and Justin led me over to it. We sat down and I leaned my head on his shoulder as he put our hands in his lap. 

I closed my eyes, and listened to the comfortable silence. Justin started playing with my fingers. 

"Hey Lan?" he asked. 

I raised my head up off his shoulder and looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Uh, what are we exactly?" he said slowly. 

I smiled. I knew this was coming, sooner or later. "What do you think we are? Because we can be whatever you want us to be, Justin."

He smiled big, and pecked me on my nose. 

"So if I asked you out, or if I asked you to be my girlfriend, what would you say?" he asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his body. He was really excited, and I could feel it. He's been wanting to ask me out for almost four weeks now. 

"Hm," I said, pretending to think. I loved teasing him. "I don't know."

His face dropped. 

I giggled a little, then pecked his lips softly, but quickly. "Justin, I'm kidding."

He smiled again, teeth and all. 

"I would say yes, and you know I would," I said, finishing my thought. "If you asked me out, or you asked me to be your girlfriend, I would say yes."

Justin was literally beaming. He pulled me up of the bench, and hugged me tight. When I returned the action, he lifted me up and spun me around in a circle. 

See, I told you he was excited. 

When he set me down, I was all smiles. Honestly, I was probably just as excited as he was, but there is just no way I'm going to show it. He didn’t need to know just how much he effected me. 

He didn't think twice before attaching his lips to mine. He put his hand on the small of my back, and pulled me into him. He used his other hand to caress my cheek. I had one of my hands on his chest, and the other was on the back of his neck. An arc of electricity felt like it was tracing from the bottom of my spine- where his hand was- up to my mouth- where his mouth was. 

I pulled away, and Justin wrapped his hand around mine and stuck his fingers in-between mine. He rested his forehead on mine. 

"Lay-baby," he said in a baby voice. "Will you pwease be my giwlfwiend?"

I laughed at how childish he was. But, he was funny, and I appreciate a guy who can make me laugh. And I nodded, answering his question. 

He had this smile on his face that I'll never forget. It radiated pure joy, happiness, and in general, it was just plain cute. 

He was just so happy. 

And so was I.

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