Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"Hey guys. What's up?" Ry Good asked as he walked out from behind the wall. 

"Holy shit," Justin muttered from beside me. "I thought you were Scooter. Thank god you're not . . ."

Ryan frowned. "And why is that a good thing?"

"Well," Carin interjected, getting Ryan's attention. "Let's just leave it at: Scooter and Landry got into a fight, and things didn't exactly end well."

Justin squeezed my hand, and kissed my cheek. I don't know why. 

"I'm hungry," he said, dragging me towards the kitchen. 

"Well then make yourself food," I said, laughing. "I'll help if you promise not to throw food on me."

Justin got a sly smile. "No promises."


"Hey babe," Justin said as he walked over to me after playing basketball. He was playing with Kenny, Ryan Good, and Alfredo. He had done his rehearsals earlier, and he was about to do his concert. Anyways, he opened his arms and looked at me, expecting a hug. 

"Ew, no. You're all sweaty," I laughed. 

When he started inching closer, I started backing up. 

“Justin, don’t you dare-”

Moving quickly, he trapped me in his arms and hugged me close to him.

"You know you love it," he said in a really low voice. I had never heard it like that. It was really deep, sexy, and a bit hoarse. He ran his hands down my sides, barely touching my body- just skimming it- making me shiver. 

"God, stop that you perv!" I laughed pushing him off of me. 

He laughed and pulled me back into him. Crashing his lips on mine, I immediately kissed him back. After a minute, I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I smirked and granted it. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and started exploring all over. I, in turn, put my tongue in his mouth, making it a battle for control.  

"Ah-hem," someone cleared their throat behind me. I pulled away from Justin- making our lips pop against each other, creating that weird sucky sound- and glanced over my shoulder. 


"Justin," he said flatly. "Go change. Your concert is starting soon."

With that he walked away, but not before shooting Justin and I both another disapproving glare. 

"Why is he so against us?" I whispered, looking back to Justin. 

"I honestly don't know," he said back. He took my hand and led me to his dressing room. 

He opened the door and let me walk in first. I plopped down on the couch as he changed. When he took off his shirt, I could not keep my eyes off his abs. They were the definition of perfection.

It took him about five minutes to change into his performance outfit, and by then I had laid down on my back and closed my eyes. I did that when he went to change his pants, claiming I wouldn’t be able to handle that view.

I jumped a little as I felt something brush against the outsides of my legs near my waist. I opened my eyes to find Justin about two inches away from my face. His arms were next to my head, holding himself up. He was on his knees, and his legs were on each side of me. He was hovering less than a half an inch above my body, but the only thing touching was our hips. 

It was weird because even though he was above me, he was very careful not to crush or hurt me in any way. 

"Hi," I said. 

"Hey," he said, bending his elbows so he could kiss me.  

I kissed him harder, wrapping my arms around his neck so I could pull him closer. Justin’s hands started to skim down my sides, tickling me slightly. I brought my hands up to run them through his hair, and he moaned into my mouth when I gently tugged on it. Kissing me even harder, I returned the groan. I wonder why he's so . . . aggressive? . . . all of a sudden. 

"Okay Justin, it's time to- whoa!" Kenny yelled as he walked into the room. Obviously he didn't see us at first, but did after. 


Justin pulled away from me, and looked at Kenny, who had his hands over his eyes. He was facing the other way, away from Justin and I. 

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I pushed Justin off of me and sat up. 

"It's cool, Kenny," I said as Justin gave me a puppy face. Obviously he wasn't too happy about me not letting him continue whatever it was he wanted to do. 


Kenny slowly turned around again, probably making sure we weren't still on top of one another, making out. 

"Okay," he said, holding up his hand in a 'stop' way. But, he looked like he was about to laugh, so it kind of ruined his serious tone. "First of all: Ew! The car was so not as bad as that. Second: I think I'm going to smack you, Justin, the next time y'all make out in front of me. And third: You're on in two." 

I stood up from the couch and turned to face Justin. He stood up, too, and asked as we walked out of the dressing room, “You’re going to watch, right?”

I smiled and nodded. “Of course.”

Just then, Pattie came up to us, and I realized we were at the stage area.  Well, backstage area. 

“Come on Landry,” Pattie said sweetly.  “Let’s go to our seats. The rest of the team is already seated.”

I nodded, and started to walk away with her.

“Um, excuse me!” Justin shouted behind me. I turned to see him pulling another puppy dog face.  “Lan, do I not get a good luck kiss?”

I smiled.  “Nope!”

I laughed when his jaw dropped. 

“Justin, I’ll give you a kiss when you’re done with your concert,” I said.  Then I turned around and smiled at Pattie.  We continued walking away from Justin, and I made sure that I didn’t look back just to tease him. 

Pattie and I talked a little on the way into the arena.  She wanted to know how it was going with my parents, and I told her that my parents were divorced, and I would have to move in permanently with Carin and Scooter.  I also explained how Scooter was resenting Justin and me, and she wasn’t too thrilled about that idea. 

“Well,” Pattie said as we climbed down the stairs on the side of the arena to reach our seats.  “It could be a good thing that you’re moving to Atlanta.”

“Why?” I asked as we reached our seats and sat down.  We had a perfect view of the stage, and I knew that Justin would be able to see us from up there.  I waved to the crew that was seated.

“Because,” Pattie continued. “That way, you and Justin won’t have to do a long-distance relationship whenever the tour ends.”

I smiled at her, and she smile back.  She was so sweet, and I knew that she cared for me and Justin.  Maybe a little more than she should, but when she’s the only person worth talking to about it besides Carin, it was totally fine with me.

“What are you two talking about?” Carin said, butting into the conversation. 

Pattie and I just smiled at her.  

“Nothing,” we both said.

The lights went dim then, and screams filled the arena.  The opener for Justin had already gone, and so he was supposed to come out next.  I was actually sort of excited because I have never been in the audience in one of his concerts before. 

The band started playing the first song as fog filled the stage.  Screams were deafening, and they only got louder as Justin rose up onto the stage. 

When he was in full view, the first thing he did was look at where we were seated.  Then he looked at me, smiled, and blew me a kiss.  The screams got louder because the fans probably thought that the kiss was for them.  I smiled and blew him a kiss back. 

He started singing, and Pattie nudged me. 

“You know,” she said softly, barely audible over the noise.  “He has never been like this.”

I furrowed my eyebrows together.  “What do you mean?”

She smiled.  “Ever since he met you, he’s been acting . . .  different.  Different in a good way.  He never had so much admiration and compassion and . . . sympathy, I guess, towards a person before.”

I looked at her confused, until I realized what she was trying to say.  She was trying to tell me that Justin had changed since I met him- changed for the better, and he is more of who he should be, and she was grateful. 

I smiled at Pattie, and she smiled back.  Then I turned my attention back to Justin, who was now ending the first song. After that, I just enjoyed everything throughout the rest of the concert.

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