Chapter Eighty

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Still not edited... haha.


You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 80

What were my mom and dad doing here? And together, at that. I thought they got divorced. Why are they here because it sure as hell isn't for me. 

"It's good to see you again," my mom said, pulling me out of Justin's grip and into a hug. 

I gave her a one-handed one. She wasn't worth my time. Neither was my dad. 

"Why are y'all here?" I muttered. 

"We wanted to say congratulations on your engagement," my dad said emotionlessly. "And we wanted to come see you."

I rolled my eyes and pushed my mother off of me. "Oh, please," I snapped. "Now you want to come see me? You guys basically disowned me in a way and left me here by myself! I was so upset at first because y'all aren't what I would consider 'parents.' And you didn't do what parents are supposed to do for their children. Which is love, support, provide - no! You guys didn't do any of that for me! Well, I've learned to just get on with life, and I have. Justin has done all of that for me. He's done more than either of you ever have. He's my entire world. I love him, and I know he loves me back - way more than you guys ever have."

I backed up next to Justin, and slid my hand back into his. 

My parents looked shocked. I guess they weren't expecting a little rant from me. 

"You know, she's right," said a voice behind us. 

I turned and found Blake standing there. 

"She is one hundred and ten percent right," he said. "We're only your 'mistakes,' remember? After all, that was the last thing you guys said to us."

My mom and dad glanced at each other, but I didn't stick around. I turned on my heel and walked in the other direction. Blake followed, but Justin didn't. 

*Justin's POV*

Cool. Landry just walked away and left me in the oh-so-very awkward position in front of her parents. Who - I might add - are younger than mine, which creeped me out. 

They were staring at me. Suppose I should say something... I mean, I'm marrying their daughter and all. 

"You know, Landry is a really special girl," I started. 

"We know that," Landry's mom said softly. "But, Blake was right when he called them our mistakes, because they both were. They were never meant to be brought into this world."

My jaw dropped. How could you say something like that about someone?

"Um, I'm sorry, Mrs. Braun, but Landry-"

"I'm not 'Mrs. Braun' anymore," she said with an evil glare towards Landry's dad. "Please, just call me Lindy."

"Um, okay, uh, well, Landry isn't one of your mistakes. She-"

"Whatever you are going to say, young man, it doesn't change anything," Landry's dad cut in. 

"Sir, if you would please just let me finish...?"

He hesitated, but nodded, and I continued. "Well, Landry means everything to me. Now, whether she was your mistake or not, she is the best thing that's ever happened to me. As corny as it sounds, she's the love of my life. That's why she is pregnant with our baby, and we're engaged. So, just please keep in mind that your 'mistakes' can mean the world to someone else."

"See, the same thing happened to us," Mr. Braun said. "And your parents, if I'm not mistaking."

I frowned. He had a point. My parents did have me young. Landry's parents had her young. Landry and I were going to have our baby young. What do I say to that? Well, it came out as: "Yes, sir, but if you really had a love like Landry and I do, everything would always work itself out. It's the power of love. If it's meant to be, it will happen. If it's not, then it won't."

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