Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

*Landry's POV*

I woke up the next morning earlier than I wished I had. 

It was seven-thirty in the morning, and there was something holding my waist down, not allowing me get up. 

I turned my head around to look behind me and saw Justin still fast asleep. I smiled as I remembered last night. It had been one of the best nights I ever had. 

Justin’s arms were around my waist, and his face was nestled against my neck. 

He was so adorable. I still couldn't believe that he had gone through all that trouble last night just to ask me out. I mean, it was amazing, and I loved going to the Eiffel Tower, but if he had asked me somewhere like on the couch, I still would have said yes. 

He means so much to me, and I can't imagine being without him. The sad thing is, is that we've only been 'together' for a day. But it feels like so much longer because of all the time we spent together before he actually asked me out.  

I kissed his lips softly, and he stirred a little. He squinted his eyes open, and smiled softly.

"Go back to sleep," I whispered. "You need energy for your concert later."

He nodded slightly, and closed his eyes again. I kissed his cheek gently, then carefully removed his arms from around me. I rolled out of bed and walked over to the door. It was closed, so I opened it and quietly shut it behind me. 

As I was walking down the hallway of my suite towards the living area, I heard people talking. 

And what they were talking about made me really upset. 

"So we let them talk until two in the morning, and they end up sleeping in the same bed?! What if they did something and would later regret it?!"

That was Scooter's voice, no doubt, and he sounded pissed.

"Well, they are in a relationship now, so please just let them be!"

That was Carin. Thank god.  

"They can make their own decisions, Scooter," Carin added. "They're good kids, and they’re both adults. Just leave them be!"

I creeped to the corner to where I could see them. They couldn't see me, though. 

"I know, but she might be a distraction to him," Scooter said. "And if he can't focus on what he needs to do, then I will have to do something about 'them.'"

"Scooter, please," Carin said, flinging her hands in the air. "Just leave them alone for now, and we will see how everything plays out." 

Scooter sighed, clearly not happy. "Fine."

I stepped out from behind the corner of the wall quietly, knowing that either of them could see me now.  

And I was sorry I did. 

"But," Scooter continued. Neither of them saw me, so I paused. "If something happens- if they go too far, or he can't concentrate- I will separate them for good. And they will not be allowed to date or see each other anymore."

My jaw dropped. 

What?! No! Hell no! He can't tell me to break up with Justin! Or not date him! That's not going to happen! Who the hell is he to tell me what to do in my relationships?! Since when does he have any control over mine and Justin's relationship?! Oh wait. He doesn't!

Geez, this dude knows how to tick me off! I was about ready to blow! 

And that's when Carin spotted me. 

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