Chapter Sixty Two

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 62

"Landry," a distant voice called to me. 

"Mmmmm," I mumbled into my pillow, half asleep. 

"Landry," the voice repeated. It was Justin. He started to lightly shake me, and I heard him chuckle. "Babe, do you know what time it is?"

"No," I mumbled, pushing myself up, and rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?" 

"It's almost twelve o'clock," Justin said with a weird look on his face. 

My eyes widened. "We slept that long?"

"You slept that long," Justin corrected with a little laugh. He got a text message, and pulled out his phone. 

"Ugh, all these time changes are messing me up," I muttered. "And that's really not normal for me. I've never slept this long."

He didn't reply. He was still typing on his phone. 


"Wha...? Oh. Yea. Sorry. We're late. Get dressed real quick"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Late for what?"

"You'll see," he said with a wink. 

I sighed. "Justin, I already told you. No more surprises. It's really sweet of you, but-"

"Don't worry. This isnt that kind of surprise."

"Oh," I said, looking down at the matress, somewhat embarrassed.  

"But trust me. You will be surprised," Justin smirked, putting his hands over mine. "And your surprise- the real one- is later tonight."

I looked back up, smiling. I loved how no matter what I did or said, he did his best to make me feel special, despite my pathetic arguments.  

"But seriously, we're late. They're waiting for us," Justin said, drawing me from my thoughts. 

"Who?" I asked. 

"Ry and Chaz," he said, pulling me up off the bed, and pushing me towards the bathroom. "And babe? There's no time changes. Just so you know." 

'Then why is my sleeping schedule messed up?' I thought. 


"Justin?" I asked, confused. I was looking out the passenger seat's window of his range-rover. 

"Yes Landry?" he acted as if where we were was perfectly normal. One of his hands was steering the wheel of his car, the other one lightly on top of mine. I didn't mind though. I was becoming more and more comfortable with him. His little sweet gestures toward me have almost become second nature... again. I missed them, to be honest. And I was glad that they were back. 

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