Chapter Fifty Four

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 54

*Justin's POV*  

My heart broke. I had no idea that this would make her stop loving me! 

I realized how much I screwed up. But seeing her turn back around and walk down the hallway and out of sight tore me apart. Her words' 'I hate you,' were still ringing in my ears. 

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I've never really been in a serious fight with Landry before, and so why does it have to be now?! 

I sniffed, and turned to walk back inside of the room. 'Don't follow me,' she had said. I figured I should respect that much. 

The room felt all too empty now. Too empty and too quiet. Too lonely. 

I walked like a ghost back to the bed. I slowly sat down on it, and tried to take a few deep breaths. 

You know that feeling when you get the wind knocked out of you? That's what I felt like. Except a hundred times worse. 

I looked towards the middle of the bed and saw my phone laying there. 

'Landry was the last person to touch it,' I thought. 

My hand shook as I slowly reached out to grab it. I quickly read the texts from Cameron that Landry had seen. 

I'm such an idiot. 

And an asshole. 

I hurt the most important person in my life. 

I completely obliterated her trust for me. 

I screwed up- huge. 

But worst of all... I lost Landry. 

I went to my contacts, and called Ryan. I have no idea why. Maybe I was just hoping for him to cheer me up. 

That is not gonna happen. 

"Hello?" Ryan said, answering his phone. He sounded happy. 

I sniffed. I knew that I might cry when I tried to talk about what happened. 

I'm such a wimp when it came to Landry. And only when it came to her. She must be something special, huh?

"Dude," Ryan said into the phone. "You okay? What's wrong?"

"Landry left me..." I said quietly. 

"Why?" Ryan sounded really confused. 

I sniffed again, about to just lose it. "Because I'm an idiot and I screwed up."

"What did you do?"

I explained the whole story to him, starting from the day she was raped. I explained how eventually Cameron had come back and wanted to do it again, and being me, I wanted to protect Landry. But I wasn't thinking and made it a bet. A stupid bet. I explained how I took her to Atlantis just for me to win the bet, but she found out about it right after I won. And then she left. 

Ryan didn't know what to say. He was just shocked that we had broken up. Well, he was also shocked at the fact that Landry and I were together because when he and Chaz were on our with us, Landry and I hated each other. 

It's amazing how things change. 

After a half an hour of trying to comfort me, Ryan said that he had to go, but would call me later. 

After he hung up, I called my mom. 

"Hey, sweetie," she said sympathetically. I knew right away that she knew something was up between Landry and me. Now- how, I have no clue. "How are you?"

"Not good," I mumbled. 

There was a slight pause on the line until my mom said, "Why? What exactly happened between you two?"

I didn't reply. I was not going to explain that to my mother. How embarrassing would that be? 'Hey mom, I made a bet to have sex with Landry by last night, and if I didn't, she would be raped again. Don't worry, I won.' No. Just no. 

"Nothing," I muttered. 

Suddenly, an idea hit me. "Mom, Landry is still going on the same plane as me, right?"

If she was, then I'd be able to find her! I'd try to talk to her! I'd be able to explain to her! I'd get her to listen to me! I'd make sure she still loved me! I'd do anything!

There was a shuffling noise from her end of the call. "Actually,"

My mom said softly. "She caught an earlier flight. She won't be on the same one as you."

My heart dropped, and I lost it. 

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