Chapter Fifty Three

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 53

Justin and I woke at the same time then next morning. Last night had been tiring... but worth it. 

As soon as his eyes were open, he was smiling at me. 

"Hey," he sang in a happy tone. 

I smiled, and said, "Hi."

Justin wrapped his arms around me and dragged me across the bed to where he was. He pressed right up against me. "Last night was amazing, babe," he whispered. "You were amazing."

I smiled, but didn't say anything back. 

I realized that I wasn't in my clothes. I was in one of Justin's T-shirts, and it was long enough on me to cover my butt, so no pants. Just my underwear. 

Justin nuzzled his nose into the back of my neck right as his phone vibrated. 

He groaned, and lifted his arm to reach into the nightstand to grab it. Whoever it was, he didn't tell me. He didn't really say anything. He quickly replied to the text- or I assume he did because his fingers were tapping on the screen- and put it back where it was. 

I felt him sigh against me. 

"Um, are you okay?" I asked in a small voice.

Justin leaned over me- literally- so that his face was in front of mine, but upside down. "Why would anything be wrong?" he asked in a soft voice. 

I shrugged. "I'm just making sure."

He flashed me a smile before pecking my nose once, and then rolling out of bed. He started heading to the restroom, and before he closed the door, he blew me a kiss using his hand. 

I laughed and returned the motion. 

I laid there in bed for a minute before Justin's phone vibrated again. 

Curiously, I reached over and grabbed his phone. It's not like he was hiding something from me. 

I opened his phone and went to his messages. 

He had a new message from someone named Cameron. Naturally, that made my heart stop just from the name, but I didn't think it would be the same person. Justin wouldn't go behind my back. And especially not something like that. And what would he even need with Cameron's- the one who raped me- number?

But I read the new message, and I was proved wrong:

    *u must b happy bc I won't come back to finish what I started that day in the arena... damn it... that kinda sux 4 me

A new one popped up right after I finished reading that first one. 

    *for what its worth: congrats on winning the bet. Didn't think u had it in u. Told u she felt great

I didn't need a translation. Just from two texts I knew what it meant: Justin had made a bet with the guy who raped me to see if I would have sex with Justin. 

And I did last night. 

He used me. 

I was staring at the phone screen in shock. And with hurt. I couldn't believe that Justin had done this to me! He lied to me! 

And that's when he came out of the bathroom. 

He must have seen the look on my face, or that I was holding his phone, because he froze in the middle of the room. His eyes moved back and forth between me and his phone in my hands. 

We held each others gaze for a second before I stood up slowly next to the bed. Justin looked scared out of his mind. 

"I can't believe you," I whispered, gripping onto his phone tight. I threw it on the bed, and then walked straight towards my suitcase, grabbing everything that was mine on the way. 

"Landry, please let me expl-"

"No! I don't want to hear your excuses!" I yelled at Justin. I threw my things into my suitcase, and went back around the room to grab anything I missed. "You lied to me! You used me! You made a bet on weather or not-"

"I did not use you!" Justin countered. "And I didn't even want to do that bet! If I didn't he would have raped you! And I wouldn't be the first time!"

I froze. The room fell uncomfortably silent. I could not believe he just said that. 

I took a shaky deep breath. "Did you come up with the idea of the bet, or did he?"

Justin shifted nervously, and didn't say anything- giving me my answer: he did. 

"I hate you," I muttered. "I can't believe that I fell into your trap! Everything has just been one big lie! Everything! The whole last month of tour! This vacation! Everything! Just for you to try to get me to sleep with you?! Really Justin?! You're better than that..." my voice broke. Then I added in a whisper, "And all it means is that you don't love me, or else you wouldn't have done it." 

I buried my head in my hands even though I wasn't crying. Not yet anyways. 

I heard Justin try to move closer to me. 

"Don't. You. Dare. Come. Near. Me," I warned, snapping my head up to glare at him. 

He didn't stop. He kept walking straight up to me and tried to pull me into a hug. 

I pushed him off of me. "Don't touch me!"

He didn't give up. He tried to wrap his arms around me and all I did was spin around and start pushing and/or hitting his chest. 

"I said don't touch me!" I yelled, pushing him in his chest and making him take a step backwards. I repeated that a few times, and a single tear finally slipped out of the corner of my eye. "You're a liar! You've changed! This isn't the Justin I know!"

Justin didn't say anything. He just took what he got. 

I stopped, and ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door making the walls vibrate. I quickly changed into the clothes I had laid out the day before, gathered up my stuff, and stormed out of the bathroom. 

I threw everything into my suitcase not caring that it was a mess. 

"Where are you going?" Justin asked in a timid voice. I looked at him and saw that he was trying not to cry. 

That's what's wrong with this relationship: there's too much crying. Crying means someone was hurt, and it never happened before we were together. 

"I'm going to the airport," I retorted. "I'm not staying here with you. I'm done with you. We're leaving today anyways."

I zipped up my suitcase, pulled up the handle, and trudged over to the door. I twisted the handle and barely pulled it open before Justin came up out of nowhere and shut the door again before I could get out. 

"Please," he whispered. "Please don't go. Let me explain."

I took another deep breath. "No, Justin. I'm not going to listen to your excuses. I don't really care what you have to say. You lied to me. You made a bet with the guy who raped me, betting that you could get me to have sex with you! Justin, that's not okay! That's why I'm leaving!"

I pulled the door back open and quickly walked out and down the hall. 

I was about twenty feet away when Justin said, "I do love you. Don't ever question that."

I stopped and turned to face him. "Yeah, well, now I question my love for you. And don't follow me."

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