Chapter Seventy Eight

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 78

The river tour took up most of the next day. It was amazing being able to see the city from the water. And a lot of the city, at that. 

The Arc de Triomphe was beautiful in person, too. We didn't do much there except take pictures of it and in front of it. My favorite picture was one where Justin had one hand on my stomach, and the other was around my waist, pulling me in closer to him. He was also kissing my cheek. I had my eyes closed, and a huge smile on my face. And the Arc was in the background. It was my new wallpaper on my phone. 

Oh, and he would not shut up about this 'surprise' that he had tonight. I really didn't know why. 

When we had finished both the river tour and the Arc de Triomphe, we had gone back to the hotel. 

"Go shower, and put something nice on," Justin instructed me to do. "Not fancy, but nice."

"Okay," I said. 

I took a quick shower, and as soon as I got out, Justin got in. He'll be in there for a while...

I couldn’t stop thinking about what his surprise was. I mean, he’s always given me surprises, but… I don’t know. I just feel like this one is going to be different. More... special. Important. Memorable. But I had no clue what it was. 

I grabbed a skirt, and a floral top, and slipped them on. I started doing my hair and makeup in the vanity in the corner of the room. 

At around 5:30 pm, I had finished, and was now sitting on the edge of the bed- Justin was still in the shower- watching the local news. Well… trying to, anyways. I couldn’t exactly understand anything, considering everything was in French. The reporter was covering a story about a duchess from France- well, I assumed she was a duchess, anyway. They kept showing her and a guy the same age, and kept repeating the same word over and over. I was really curious what they were discussing, so I decided to ask Justin, the French expert, what it meant.

I got off the bed and walked to the closed bathroom door. I figured if I talked loud enough, he would hear me in the shower. 

“Hey babe?” I called when I cracked open the door. I didn't go in, and he didn't respond. But what I got instead was Justin singing to himself:

“…So many nights, I dream of you

Holding my pillow tight, I know

That I don’t need to be alone

When I open my eyes

To face reality

Every moment without you, It seems like eternity

I’m begging you, begging you come back to me

Can we go back to the days our love was strong?

Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong?

Can somebody tell me how to get things back

The way they used to be?

Oh God, give me a reason

I’m down on bended knee….”

I couldn’t help but smile. Of course Justin would be singing in the shower. And, of course he would sound like an angel. Me on the other hand? Ha. I sound like a dying donkey giving birth. Ironic, isn’t it?

He had paused after singing part of that song, “On Bended Knee,” so I thought this would be a perfect time to ask him or get his attention. 

“Hey, Justin?” I tried again, with no luck still. 

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