Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

“Let’s get backstage so you can be there when he comes off,” Carin said, standing up.

I nodded and got up, too.  Justin was just starting the last song of the night, and the crowd was still hyped- as was Justin.  Every few lines of each of his songs, he would glance over towards or look at me, then smile.  I thought it was adorable.

Anyways, Carin and I walked back up the stairs, and we went to the backstage area where we could wait for Justin to come off stage.  We could hear him singing still. 

“So,” Carin said slowly.  “You and Justin, huh?”

What kind of question is that?  Besides one that made me smile like an idiot and look at the ground to hide my blushing.

“Aw,” Carin said, obviously noticing why I hid my face.  “Well, here comes your prince charming.”


Just then, warm, sweaty arms wrapped around my stomach from behind me- a signature thing that Justin does to me. 

“Ew, Justin, you’re all sweaty!”  I shrieked.  I pulled his arms off of me, and tried to run away, only to get pulled back into his body.  He was still behind me, and- it’s kind of gross- but I could feel the sweat on his body. 

“Landry,” he whispered in my ear.  “Don’t try to run away from me. I will find you."

I giggled and nodded.  I turned around in his arms so I could hug him, even if he was sweaty.  

He tightened his arms around me, and asked, “Did you enjoy the concert?”

I smiled softly.  “You were amazing!”

He smiled and hugged me even tighter.  “Thank you.”

"You're really talented. I never knew how much until now."

"Well, thanks, baby. But I'm not as talented as you are when you dance. You capture everyone's attention when-"

"Justin, stop," I murmured, blushing madly, making him laugh at me. "It's not funny!"

"It is! You blush easily!" 

“Aw,” Carin said out of nowhere.  “You two are the cutest things.”

Can she stop saying stuff like that?  I swear that is all that comes out of her mouth.  It's getting really annoying. 

Justin just smiled at her, while I smiled up at Justin. 

The rest of the crew came up to Justin and told him that he did a good job. When we were ready to go, we all got back in the van, and drove back to the hotel. 

I knew that Justin was going to ask for his kiss soon because I wouldn’t give him one before the concert, but I had a plan to tease him just for fun. 

Anyway, after we got back to the hotel, after we all had showered and got ready for bed, and after everyone else went to sleep- it was a long time- Justin crept in my room.

“Hey” I said from where I was laying on the bed.

“Hi,” he replied, shutting the door behind him.

“I didn’t think you’d come,” I teased.  “I thought you forgot about me.”

Justin laughed a little before jumping onto the bed next to me, making it shake.  “I could never forget about you,” he said.

I smiled.  We both laid our heads on pillows.  He slid his arm that was closest to me under my neck, and used his other to go around the front side of my waist.  He put his head in my neck, right next to my ear. 

“Do I get my kiss now?” he whispered. 

I smiled, looked at the ceiling, and closed my eyes.  “Nope.”

I felt Justin lift his head up to looked at me, probably confused. 

“But . . . you said that you would give me a kiss after I finished my concert . . . and. . .  now it's after my concert . . .” he started. 

I lifted my head, too, and used my arm for support to hold my head up.  “Yes, I did say that.  But I didn’t clarify exactly when I would.”

Justin put on a pouty face, making me giggle.

“Seriously?” he asked.

I nodded. 


I smirked and laid down on my back. 

After a few seconds, Justin climbed on top of me- like he did in the dressing room earlier.  “Okay,” he said, touching the tip of his nose to mine.  “You might not kiss me, but I can kiss you.”

I turned my head when he lowered his.  “Nuh-huh.”

Justin looked at me again.  “Why?” he asked in a small voice.

I laughed.  “I don’t know.”

Justin put on a puppy face again.  “Pwease?”

I laughed and closed my eyes again.  "Nope."

Justin frowned- or at least I assume he did- and got off of me.  "Wow . . . you're serious.  Did . . . did I do something wrong?"  There was a hint of hurt and fear in his voice. 

I opened my eyes, sat up, and looked at him.  His eyes were filled with worry.  

"Did I hurt you?" he asked, looking directly into my eyes.

"Aw, babe, no. I was just playing with you," I said.  

His face relaxed, relief clear across it.  "You were?" 

I nodded.  Placing my hand on his cheek, I pecked his lips once.  "See?"

"So I didn't hurt you or make you mad in any way?" he asked, still concerned.  

I shook my head no.  I smiled at him, and he smiled back. 

"Good," he whispered.  "I never want to hurt you, Lan."

We laid back down, and talked until we couldn't talk any more and sleep took us over.  I fell asleep in his arms again, realizing it was one of the best feelings in the world. 

I never realized how much time I would enjoy spending with Justin until I came on the tour and actually got to know him.  I'm so glad I did, too.  Not that I really had a choice, but oh well. 

But little did we know that the road ahead of us was probably the bumpiest road we could ever encounter. 

And I didn't know when it would start or end.  And that right there would have confused me because I wouldn't know if I had time before things started happening or not.  

But of course, I'm too stuck in the moment to even think about the future.

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