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It was our lunch time when I saw Minhyun hyung walking alone towards the cafeteria. I immediately pulled him leaving my friends.

We stopped inside the music room. "Uh what's up?" He curiously asked me. "Help me" "Help you? Where?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, your family owns a big law firm and I know you can really help me find justice to Dongho hyung's case. I'm 100% sure you also wanted to look for those merciless gangs. So will you help me?" I said to him and let out my puppy eyes. "You don't need to do that with your eyes! Fine fine I will look for a prosecutor to handle that case" Minhyun hyung said to me. "But let me warn you that this will never be easy" I smiled at him "at least I tried to help" "Things I do for the both of you" Actually I already saw that he will agree to me when I grabbed his arm going here inside the music room.

"Yay! Please update me hyung!" I said then left Minhyun hyung inside the room.


"Why do you keep on smiling?" The older asked Jihoon. They were both inside Jihoon's room. "Is it bad to smile??" Jihoon argued. "Smiling out of nowhere, I think it's bad" Daniel answered him.

After a while, Jihoon already told Daniel why he's smiling. "I...opened your brother's case again" When he said that, he closed his eyes since he doesn't know if it will be a good news or a bad news to Daniel. He felt Daniel's lips on his cheek. "Thank you.." The younger smiled at what Daniel said.

"When will Daehyun noona and Do Ah leave?" Jihoon asked. "You want them to leave already?" Daniel teased. "No you dummy, I mean I just... I don't know what to do without Daehyun noona" Daniel closed his eyes, not ready to accept that his sisters will only stay for 2 months.

The couple didn't do anything but to play PS4 quietly, trying not to think about Daniel's sister.

After Daniel left him, he checked his phone if there are any message.

Minhyun 7:20 pm

I got a persecutor. I told him that you opened it and he gladly accepted the offer. Good luck with the case.

I smiled while reading the message and replied back.

I closed my phone and started studying again for my exams.


"C'mon Daniel just join the dance varsity team! I will join!!" Seongwoo pleaded for the nth time. This dude needs to stop. Letting them sleep over in my house was a bad idea. "Why would I?? And isn't it too late to join??" I asked him. "It's never too late for us!" "But we're already in the dance club!" "THAT'S ONLY A CLUB COME ON!" Minhyun wore his earphones cause of irritation. And I'm so close in doing that. "Give me something" I said to him "I' Be your servant for a week" I stared at him "A week only?? No ty" I tried to open the book I'm reading again for the test but Seongwoo closed it "Fine two weeks!" He rolled his eyes. "K then." "SO YOU'LL JOIN???" I nodded at him and he suddenly jumped on the bed. "Hey stop jumping!!" I threw my pillow straight in his face. "THAT HURTS! But anyway, gonna text the captain now" Seongwoo said then grabbed his phone to text whoever the captain is.

"When will the training start?" I asked Seongwoo while drinking my water. "Tomorrow!" I suddenly spit everything straight to his face "HEY FUCKER!!" He said while wiping his ugly face. "WHY SO SUDDEN??" "Because if I told you before this day, I know you'll change your mind!" I just rolled my eyes and accepted my fate.


Another day at school and I'm here lazily dragging myself to enter the school grounds. "I miss dance club" Woojin said having the same feeling like me. "Same.. I miss everyone there" "You just miss your boyfriend!" Woojin shouted. "No!! I miss dancing okay!" We were entering the school's lobby when someone shouted Woojin's name. "Park Woojin!" A cute guy walked towards us. I saw Woojin's reaction and I can say that he's flustered. Someone's inlove...

The Way We See It | NIELWINKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon