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I can hear my alarm clock slash my cousin park Woojin waking me up. Ohmygod why do I have to be with this ugly dude that's why daehwi hates him. He's so loud.

"COME ON DUDE ITS OUR FIRST DAY HOW COME YOU'RE NOT GETTING READY FOR IT!" shouts Woojin who's just standing beside me. I grabbed his arms since he's shaking me and suddenly I saw something.

"Fine fine!! Stop being so excited you'll never have your favorite fruit salad in the cafeteria anyway" I said while stretching. "Stop ruining my day! Plus I can break that future that you saw cause I will run as fast as I could later!" He said while leaving my room. Okay so, what I said will really happen to Woojin. I know its weird but ever since I was born I can already see the future of the person just by touching them. I'm gifted as what they say. I actually love it since I can prevent accidents to happen. Anyway, I need to get ready for school.

We were getting down in our car then I heard someone screaming out our names "PARK COUSINS YOOOO!!!" Everyone literally everyone stared at that person "Jaehwan hyung why are you so loud! Everyone is staring!" I said while closing our car door.

Jaehwan hyung is our senior. He doesn't belong to our batch but we got to know each other since we were 5 years old. He was our neighbor but he needs to transfer from another house near her vocal class since that's what he wants. He placed his arms comfortably in our shoulders "Who cares jihoonie at least girls will see me" he said smirking. I suddenly touched his arm trying to remove it on my shoulders then I smiled. "Why are you smiling idiot" said my not-so-idiot cousin. "Oh keep on calling me killjoy but hyung, enjoy your morning now 'cause I think you'll not enjoy it later" I said to him while completely removing his arms on my shoulder same goes with Woojin. "What are you talking about, what will happen??" He asked me while walking up the stairs. We reached the our floor so I spilled what I saw since he will go up another floor "Maybe you wanna see your class right now and see who your classmates will be" I said to him smirking while entering our classroom. Unfortunately, I saw Woojin's name on the list too so we're classmates. I heard Woojin's laugh towards Jaehwan since he already got the hint. Well, hyung will spend her school year with the most arrogant person I know, Kang Daniel.


I parked my new bmw in our school's parking lot. I have a reserved slot since my father is the director of this school. Oh well easy for me. No not actually daniel.

I can see Seongwoo and Minhyun walking towards me. "Bro" seongwoo said with a bro fist. Seongwoo, Minhyun, and I are childhood bestfriends. We were together since we were 3 years old. We all come from rich families. Seongwoo's family own a model company while Minhyun's father is the director of a big law firm. I think that's why Minhyun have this aura of being a prosecutor.

We entered the school grounds and every girls stared at us even guys. Not to brag but we're really famous. "Daniel is so cute" "Ohmygod these three are angels" "Their legs are so long" "Oh my he stared at me" "Seongwoo's visuals are no joke" "Look at how serious Minhyun is! He's so charming" these are all in the minds of the students that we passed by. Weird as it seems but I can read other people's minds but I need to stare at them thoroughly that's why other people thought I'm flirting with them.

We reached our classroom already and I think our class is not a good combination. It will be loud. I see the guy who brings his guitar always Jaehwan I think with his best friend Sewoon, The super talkative president, Yoon Jisung he's also my childhood friend but yeah shit happens, and the one with the loudest laugh Ha Sungwoon. Whatever as if I care. I was walking to my chair, it will always be reserved for the three of us at the back then I suddenly had an eye contact with Jaehwan since I'm going to sit beside him. K boy gotchu You hate me. "Why is he even my classmate?" That's in his mind. "Any problem with me being your classmate?" I asked him while putting my hands on his table. He was surprised as what I can read. "No, nothing, I don't even care" he said while focusing on his guitar again. K whatever just gonna sleep.

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