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--Wedding day--


"Are your bags ready?" My hyung asked me. I nodded at him as a response. I don't know why but I can't talk...

"Hey Jihoon.." Jihyuk hyung sat infront of me while my cousin is at the door with his arms crossed. "Are you having doubts?" I suddenly looked at my hyung.

Am I?


"Minhyun and I will be following in Mokpo" Seongwoo said to me while putting his bags inside my car. "Just make sure that everything is set. Where's noona?" "She's fixing the reservation for your hotel. She said that she'll just meet you in Mokpo". I nodded.

While fixing the bags, I can feel that Seongwoo is staring at me. "What?" I paused and asked him even though I can already read his mind. I just want to hear it from him. "Nothing... Its just that I didn't expect that this day would come.. You running away with the 'love of your life', leaving school, leaving Seoul, leaving us--" okay, I know he's now being serious and dramatic "--There's no more 'everyday Daniel'--" I stopped him "Hey, it's not like I'll go overseas! I'll just go to Mokpo and you can visit me there" I closed the car trunk and walked back to my hotel room with Seongwoo.

"I know... I think it's just...sad" Seongwoo blurted out which made me smile. "It's sad too.. Marrying someone that I don't even love" I said then entered my younger sister's hotel room. "Oppa!!" I hugged him tightly. Minhyun is just standing near the window. "I'll promise not to tell anyone" she whispered to me. "I don't even like her but you didn't introduce to me your boyfriend!! I just saw him in your camera" my younger sister pouted. I ruffled her hair "Don't worry, you'll see him next time... I gotta go Do Ah" she hugged me again "I'll see you soon Daniel oppa"

I took my phone and wallet and left the room with Seongwoo and Minhyun.

"It's time.." Minhyun said while opening the car door for me. I closed the door and opened my window "See you soon" I said and drove away.

Jihoon, let's run away..


"Daniel already texted, let's go" we all went down and proceeded to walk towards Jihyuk hyung's car. Woojin stayed in the house in case my parents go home early.

I opened the window to say good bye to my cousin. "Dumbass, don't do anything stupid okay?" I said to him. He nodded. I can sense that he's about to cry so I stopped talking since seeing Woojin cry will also make me cry. I closed the window already. "It's now or never.."

On the way to our meet up place, I couldn't think of anything else but doubts.

Jihoon, you want this... You'll be with Daniel hyung...


When we reached the place, I saw Daniel hyung's borrowed car. We stepped down and Daniel hyung rushed towards us. "Jihoon... Are you ready?" "Hmm"

We took all my bags and placed it on Daniel's car. Before entering the car, Jihyuk hyung grabbed my arm and hugged me "Message me when you arrived" Jihyuk kissed my forehead and nodded at Daniel hyung.

Daniel hyung drove away.

Am I doing the right thing???


"WHERE THE FUCK IS DANIEL??" The father said angrily. All of them are in one room even Seongwoo and Minhyun. The father pointed at the two "SPEAK UP NOW OR I'LL TELL YOUR FATHERS ABOUT THIS" the mother is trying to calm Mr. Kang. "We really don't know sir.. We didn't see him this morning" Seongwoo explained calmly but deep inside he wanted to slap Daniel's father.

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