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It has been already a week since that incident with Donghan hyung and Daniel hyung. It's so nice to see Donghan hyung around the school so we both greet each other and that's the reason why I had no choice but to tell my friends about what happened but I didn't tell that Daniel hyung came.

Speaking of him, he acted like he doesn't know me at all. He always keep his straight face. He's so opposite with Donghan hyung.

But there are times that I caught him staring at me like digging something inside me but when I stare back, he just shakes his head and act like nothing happened.

But I should not be bothered by him.

My friends and I entered the coffee shop to chill. Still, Daehwi doesn't show any affection towards Jinyoung but sometimes I caught him glancing to Jinyoung but other people doesn't notice.. Except Kuanlin of course.

Donghan hyung together with his 2 friends that I don't know entered the cafe too so we just invited them to sit down with us.

"Um hey so this small one is Noh Taehyun and this Chinese boy is Kim Yongguk" Donghan hyung introduced to us.

We greeted each other. "Oh you're the best friend of Ha Sungwoon our VP" said Daehwi pointing to Taehyun hyung. "Unfortunately, yes" all of us laughed at what he said.

"Donghan hyung, what club are you?" Woojin asked. Tomorrow we're gonna choose our club. Actually I want to go to a club where I know someone.

"Dance club come and join us by the way! I'm with Taehyun. He's going to be the president of the club" "Ohhh I'm planning to join that club!!" Woojin said excitedly.

"How about you Jihoon?" Donghan asked me. "Hmm I'm planning to go to dance club too" he smiled at my decision and I blushed.

WAIT I BLUSHED??? I mean my cheeks turned hot so that means I blushed?? I immediately hid my face because other people might see it.

After a while, the door opened and I saw the guy who doesn't even notice my existence.


"What's bothering you?" Minhyun asked me. "Ye I saw you staring at that junior Jihoon I think??" Seongwoo continued.

"I--" I contemplated whether to tell them or not about what happened but I realized that they need to know what happened at that incident.

I told them the story but I stopped where I tried to read Jihoon's mind.

I saw Minhyun staring at me with arched eyebrows signaling me to go on. I knew it he's not gonna believe me that that's the only story.

"I... didn't see anything."

When I blurted out that line, I read their minds and they're just as confused as me. "I know... I don't get it too" I said to them while entering the shop.

I stopped for a while when I saw the guy that bothers me the most... "Hey speaking of the....weirdo" Seongwoo said smirking while going to our permanent place.

I heard Donghan's voice calling my name and so I just nodded. That's how I greet.

I took the orders of Minhyun and Seongwoo since I'm incharge today. While I'm ordering I  saw in my peripheral view that he's here.


We were chatting and I'm not minding to look at Daniel's table. "Ugh why are they here" Jaehwan hyung said looking so irritated.

"Why do you hate them so much?" Yongguk hyung asked "Well... I don't know" Jaehwan said then concentrated again on his drink.

"Jihoon can you buy me one iced chocolate?" Woojin asked me "what??? Why me? You have your own feet" I said to him. Gosh this cousin! Am I his slave?

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