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"So let's start first with Daniel please choose --" "Park Jihoon."

I was shocked, LIKE REALLY SHOCKED, at what Daniel hyung said. ME WHY ME ?!???? Everyone looked at me and honestly, this silence is so awkward!

Taehyun hyung broke the silence. "Um okay since that's what you want, Park Jihoon will now be with Kang Daniel" people applauded but a slow clap. A clap like everyone hates that idea. THIS IS NOT RIGHT I NEED TO DO SOMETHING

"Am I not allowed to reject his offer?" I asked them and I heard some of them said yes since they don't want me to be with him because of the incident. "Um sorry Jihoon but the rules said that you need to accept the decision of the winner" Taehyun hyung explained and I can feel that he's sorry for me. I saw Daniel smirked. Ugh this is a bad idea!

"Hey don't worry... He's nice" Seongwoo assured me. He held my hand and squeezed it. NO HE'S NOT NICE! HOW CAN A PERSON BE NICE IF HE. PLAYS. WITH. OTHER. PEOPLE'S. FEELINGS.

"How about Woojin?" Taehyun asked Woojin. "I'm also going to pick my cousin but since he's already taken--" "Taken by me" Daniel said. Everyone looked at me because of Daniel hyung's stare. Ugh please stop it!!! Seongwoo grabbed my hand and massaged it. Somehow, I feel okay.

I can see Donghan hyung and he looks like he's going to explode soon.

"Ehem anyway I choose Seongwoo hyung since I think we will have a nice chemistry" woojin broke the tensed atmosphere.

"Let's get it" seongwoo said to Woojin.

After picking partners Taehyun explained what we're going to do. "So this next competition will be until next week so you will have a week to be with your partner.." THIS. IS. NOT. RIGHT. ! C'mon one week?? How can I handle his existence in one week?!???

"You need to create a choreography that will show a great chemistry. Also, songs are a little bit into sexiness so you're going to include your dance genre in that sexy music" Taehyun explained.

Why am I the most unlucky person in the world??? Sexy?? Great chemistry?? One week?? WITH DANIEL HYUNG ?

Daniel hyung sat beside me "let's plan" he said "Why me?" I asked him out of curiosity. He hates me then he's going to choose me?? "Why? Are you planning to be with Donghan?" He asked me. "As if you care.. Anyway Let's only talk about our choreography not anything else" I said to him in a formal tone.

"What if I don't like your idea?" He said while closing again the gap between us. I pushed him and he just laughed.

"Stop doing that" I said to him. He chuckled "Why because your face is getting red and hot already?" We're staring at each other and I can feel my cheeks getting hot.

Daniel hyung pls stop it!

He didn't stop.


Let me see something...let me read something...

Ugh Jihoon I can't remove my eyes on you!!

Why can't I read something??

"Jihoon..." We heard Donghan. This guy will always be a moment ruiner.

Jihoon had a late reaction. Then he walked away with Donghan.

I didn't realize that its already dismissal. "Dude let's go" seongwoo said. I got up and hit the back of seongwoo's head "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" He said and I ran.

We reached the club of Minhyun, still, Seongwoo doesn't had a chance to hit the back of my head.

"Why are you so fast? You're annoying me" Seongwoo said and I chuckled.

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