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"Are you really sure about this? I mean I can tell my cousin that you're not.. Feeling well" Minhyun hyung asked me again.

Honestly, I'm doubting. Telling this to the whole world will surely ruin my brother's image, worst, our company will go bankrupt.

The Park clan will surely hate me.

But everytime I look at Daniel hyung, those doubts fade away. Like the right decision I will ever made is to give justice to his brother.

So I looked at Minhyun hyung and hugged him tightly. "Thank you hyung, and I'm sure about this" I said to him.

I don't know what's happening inside the trial court but I can feel my nervousness. What if I ruined it?

Will the witness expose my brother??


Jihoon doesn't know where to look when he entered the court. He knows where Daniel was seated but he couldn't face him.

He was guided towards the witness stand, back facing the crowd.

He recited the pledge and sat down immediately. He felt his boyfriend's eyes glued on him on his peripheral view since they were seated on the corner.

This might be the last day that he will call himself that-- boyfriend.

He calmed himself down and strongly started answering the prosecutor's questions.

"Park Jihoon-ssi, you stated in your testimony that your brother, Park Jihyuk-ssi, killed Kang Dongho-ssi?" Prosecutor Hwang  asked Jihoon.

Jihoon nodded "Yes"

"However, your testimony have no support which can lead to false testimony" Prosecutor Hwang added.

Seongwu looked confused "What?! Aren't Prosecutor Hwang on our side? What is he doing??" Seongwu asked Minhyun.

"Just shut up and watch" Minhyun said to Seongwu.

On the other hand, no words came out from Daniel. He's still confused on what's going on.

"Prosecutor, I'm telling nothing but the truth. I went home that day, hearing people inside including my brother's friends and family. They--they were talking about escaping and they thought of ruining my relationship.." Jihoon paused for a while every words were getting harder to say. "Ruining my relationship with Dongho hyung's brother" Jihoon said.

He was confused too.

He thought Prosecutor Hwang will help him but he was scared that all his testimonies will not be believable.

"Then support your claim, Park Jihoon-ssi" Prosecutor Hwang challenged him.

Right there and then, Jihoon breathed heavily "I have a recording" Jihoon said.


Jihoon was about to go down again using the window but Woojin grabbed his wrist. "What now?" Jihoon asked his cousin, confused.

Woojin took something from his pocket and gave it to Jihoon.


Jihoon stared at it and asked Woojin "What's this..?"

"Just.. Just thinking that you might need it" Woojin said then hugged his cousin.

"I don't know what struck on my head to record everything that day. But I think I know what you're planning and you need this. I'll see you soon" Woojin released Jihoon from his hug.

The Way We See It | NIELWINKHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin