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"Just tell us, what you saw" the prosecutor told the man who is sitting in front of him.

Another hopeless case. Daniel thought while waiting for the man to speak up.

The witness looked at the prosecutor's eyes then to the glass that separates the witness room and the bystanders.

Daniel wasn't feeling good like the witness can see through the glass.

"Don't blame me if my testimonies can ruin a relationship" the witness said which made the older shiver.

Jihoon. Daniel can read Jihoon's name on the witness' mind.


All of them exited the room "We just need to trust the process and the witness. He doesn't want to release anything unless it will be on the trial day itself" the prosecutor explained and they nodded.

"But it will not be 100% sure. He might lie about something or he will act like this again" Minhyun said to his cousin, who is the prosecutor of the case.

"I know but I'm risking this one for that witness. It's better than to wait again for another witness. He's the last hope for this case." Prosecutor hwang explained.

Daniel sighed since he also knows that there will be no assurance to this trial. But he just hoped for the best.

"We're that near on getting that douche" Seongwu said and tapped Daniel's shoulder. However, Daniel was not happy.

He's scared. Like he knows something bad will happen after this trial.

He wanted to call Jihoon to know if he's okay. He needed him. Be he couldn't.

As they exit the law firm, Minhyun received a text.

Park Jihoon

Meet me at the school's rooftop. Please don't tell anyone especially Daniel hyung.

Minhyun stopped walking and curiosity filled his mind.

"Hey are you coming or what?" Seongwu shouted, peaking from the window.

"Uh you guys go first. I have some matters to discuss" Minhyun lied. He walked calmly to his car. He replied first to Jihoon before driving to their meetup.

Jihoon couldn't stop walking back and forth while waiting for Minhyun because of his nervousness.

Calling Minhyun hyung would be the best decision -- Jihoon thought.

After his encounter with his cousin, he felt that he needed someone who will help him.

The door of the rooftop opened and he saw a worried Hwang Minhyun for the first time.

"Hyung.." Jihoon said but not loud enough for the latter to hear.

"Tell me what's going on" Minhyun said calmly. He rested his back on the ledge and waited for jihoon to speak.

The younger closed his eyes and breathed heavily.

"I want to be a witness" Jihoon said with his eyes glaring at Minhyun.

Minhyun furrowed his eyebrows, confused at what the younger had told him.

"You-- what?" Minhyun asked once again. "I want to be a witness" Jihoon said firmly.

"But you have nothing--"

"Hyung, can you just believe me?? I know something! Just let me be!!" Jihoon said and suddenly his knees felt week that he knelt down while holding Minhyun's hand.

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