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"Hey chin up" Jihyuk said while smiling. The person in front of him couldn't raise his chin.

"Are you going to say good bye in that way?" Jihyuk added.

Jihoon faced his brother, a glass separating them. Jihoon's tears couldn't stop falling.

"There will be no more galaxy eyes that will visit me everyday" Jihyuk said jokingly but it made Jihoon cry more. "Aigoo ~ if I can hug you right now" Jihyuk added.

Jihoon kept on wiping his tears.

"You know your 10 minutes will be a waste if you'll not talk to me" Jihyuk said, still smiling.

"Hyung.. I will miss you" Jihoon said while facing his brother.

"I'll miss you too Hoonie, do well in Toronto" Jihyuk said his last goodbye before the police reminded them that the 10-minute visit is over.

Jihoon walked towards the car he rode on. "Everything's cool?" Donghan asked. Jihoon nodded and entered his friend's car.

"Where's our next stop?" Donghan asked while driving away from the station. Jihoon opened his phone to check any notification but there's only one from his cousin.

"Airport" Jihoon said. "Are you sure?" Donghan asked. Jihoon nodded "there's no one waiting for me anyway. Let's go" Jihoon sadly answered.

Donghan instantly turned about and drove to the airport as Jihoon requested.

On the other hand, Daniel was sitting in front of his computer, debating whether to go to the airport or not.

The door suddenly opened with a loud thud. "WHAT THE FUCK NIEL? IF YOU'LL JUST SIT THERE I PRAY TO ALL GODS THAT JIHOON WILL BELONG TO SOMEONE ELSE" Kyungmi said out of anger.

Daniel stared at Kyungmi "I can't-"

"What do you mean you can't??" Kyungmi walked towards Daniel and knelt down to reach his level.

"Daniel I didn't let you go to just sit right here and do nothing. I decided to let you go because I saw how perfect you are with him. So please Daniel, Jihoon's flight will be today." Kyungmi pleaded.

Daniel hugged his best friend. "I'm so weak" he said while sobbing on Kyungmi's shoulder.

Kyungmi smiled sadly "You're not" she reassured. She let go of Daniel and ruffled his hair "Go big boy.. I already parked your car outside" Kyungmi said.

Daniel ran so fast towards his car.

Jihoon wait for me.. Don't leave me.

"Is he really leaving?" Ong asked the person beside him.

"Yeah.. he really made his decision" Minhyun said.

"Everything happened so fast, I didn't even absorb some details" Ong said while making a right turn.

"Where's Daniel by the way?" He added.

Minhyun checked his phone first before replying "I don't know, he's not answering my calls but Kyungmi said leave it to her" Minhyun replied.

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