Next Gen Tartaros: The Key to it All

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(Accurate representation of me reading your responses ^^^)

Storm and Luna walked down the halls in an eerie silence that sent shivers down their spines. 

"How long have we been walking through these halls?" Luna asked breaking the silence.

Storm opened his mouth to respond, but before he could a loud explosion was heard behind them. The couple turned their heads abruptly to the sound to see a guard's lifeless body on the ground. Behind the guard was a large, dark figure. It stepped from the shadows and revealed itself as Key.

"You," Storm muttered with gritted teeth, venom dripping from his voice. 

Key simply stood there with an expressionless face. Then there was laughing. A girl laughing. A certain pink haired girl laughing.

"Your name is seriously Key? Oh please say that I'm wrong!" Luna laughed holding her stomach completley ignoring Storm's glare. 

"Luna, now is not the time," Storm muttered staring down at her with a shadow over his eyes. He was definitely pissed. 

"Your ignorance amuses me. I'll wipe that smile off your face once your dead," Key stated as he moved his hand upwards ready to fire one of his spells.

Luna inhaled deeply before exhaling calmly, a red glint in her eyes showing her excitement.

"Now that we've gotten past the formalities, let's get started shall we?" Luna asked cracking her knuckles. 

Storm slightly grinned before moving into his Icemaker stance his father taught him how to master. Luna's fists engulfed themselves in fire. 

"I'm all fired up!"


Zero wandered through the halls hearing explosions, walls breaking, and screams of anger and pain. Noises were getting louder as walked into a particular hall. 

And there it was

Ezel holding Akatsuki in a choke hold with a foot crushing Nova's stomach, Sylvia was breathing heavily on the ground trying to get up. 

"I thought you were stronger Nova..." Zero said stepping out of where she was hiding coming face to face with her younger sister who stiffens when she sees her.

"Get out of... Mika's body... you demo- AH!" Nova screamed when Ezel stepped down harder on her stomach.

Zero held her hand out motioning for Ezel to let go of both Akatsuki and Nova. They both breathed heavily as Sylvia held them both protectively in her arms, tears brimming her eyes. Zero bent down to Sylvia holding her chin making here look at her.

"Don't cry little sister, it'll all be over soon..." Zero whispered as tears finally fell from Sylvia's eyes before they widened. 

Because for a brief moment, for one brief moment, she saw pain, sadness, sorrow, and regret in Zero's cold eyes. 

Mika was still there somewhere

Zero stood up hesitantly before the cold look returned to her eyes. 

"The mind can control a lot of things," Zero stated darkly before waving her hand, "Finish them off Ezel."

Sylvia and Nova stood up with shaky legs as Akatsuki was still on the ground in deep concentration. 

"This'll be fun," Ezel grinned ready to charge.

"Akatsuki we could really use your help right now..." Nova said wearily, dark magic engulfing her hands.

Akatsuki mumbled something that Sylvia and Nova were unable to hear.

"What'd you say Suki?" Sylvia asked looking back at him.

He stood up quickly with a grin and wide eyes as he exclaimed, "I think I just figured out how to beat this guild!"

A/N: Ya'll I finally updated :') Thank you guys for your responses, you've inspired me to start writing this book again, I'm still debating whether or not to continue the other books, but this one has always been my favorite :] Hope you guys enjoyed :)))))


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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