Next Gen Tartaros: Separate Paths

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All the members of Next Gen Tartaros gathered in Zero's throne room waiting patiently for what their guild master would say.

"Knowing Reiki, he'd take charge and start making a plan. Something we wouldn't expect... however we're too powerful and they are too weak to pull something clever. So he'll go with the simple divide and conquer strategy. Which means we'll do the same..." Zero stated standing up.

"Shall we split up in groups or go alone?" Temp (Next Gen Tempester) asked in his low voice.

"Go alone. It's fine taking them on by yourselves. You're not trying to say you're weak are you?" Zero asked stepping down a couple steps now standing in front of her guild.

"No," Temp answered in a stoic tone.

Zero nodded with a chuckle, "Good. It'd be a shame if my fellow guild mates weren't confident we'd beat the fairies."

All 9 members walked towards the large door that would lead them to Fairy Tail.

"Don't let me down," Zero said in an commanding voice.

The guild said nothing as Zero already knew their responses. She had one final grin before pushing the doors open.


The youngsters stood in front of the eerie guild hall of Next Gen Tartaros.

A tall castle like building built with black and dark grey bricks. Underneath were the torture chambers that no one could forget.

"Just staring at it makes me feel uneasy..." Rin murmured nervously.

Reiki stepped forward and took a deep breath before facing his friends.

"Right now we're not at our best. Our bodies are weak and our magic energy is not where I'd like it to be to beat these guys. But we gotta use what we got. There's no turning back. We split up in twos and threes. Nash and I will go together. Rosemary and Rin go together. Lance and Gale go together. Sylvia, Akatsuki, and Nova go together. And Storm and Luna will go together. Got it?" Reiki finished.

They all huddled into one circle wrapping their arms around each other.

"Whatever happens, we'll make it out. I promise," Reiki said in a reassuring voice.

They all nodded and entered the guild hall splitting into different directions.

Nash intertwined his hand with Reiki's hand and held it tightly.

"We'll be alright," Reiki whispered tightening his grip around Nash.

Nash slightly blushed but nodded knowing he'd be alright.

Luna and Storm quietly walked through the halls darting their attention to any noise they heard.

"You're worried about Sylvia aren't you?" Luna asked breaking the silence.

Storm eyed her curiously but sighed.

"You know me too well Lu. I am worried about everyone but she worries me the most. If what Lance said is true then she'll have to do what only comes up in her nightmares..." Storm replied rubbing his forehead.

"As her best friend, I have all the faith in the world for her. As her older brother you should have more faith in her too. It will be hard on her, but she can do it," Luna responded putting her hands over her hips confidently.

Storm chuckled and lifted his head with a smile.

"I thought Rose was Sylv's best friend?" Storm teased with a smirk.

"All the girls are best friends with each other. Don't start with me Brain Freeze," Luna shot back with a pout.

Sylvia, Akatsuki, and Nova silently walked through the halls.

"Looks like I'm the chaperone for you two today. That is until we find a demon..." Nova mumbled towards the end.

Akatsuki and Sylvia looked at her and laughed. Nova smiled feeling good that she was able to brighten up their day for as long as she could.

"Well it's your lucky day!" A voice boomed from the darkness.

The three stood in a defensive stance ready for a battle.

The Next Gen version of Ezel stepped out from the darkness with an unsettling grin.

"Cause you just found yourselves a demon."


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