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The five wizards slowly met up where Sylvia had said Akatsuki was hiding.

"Are you sure?" Gale asked again.

"For the last time yes, I know it." Sylvia responded now walking on her own with Lance on one side and Rin on the other.

"Maybe you should sit this one out Sylv. You're really hurt and-" Lance began before being inturuppted.

"If she wants to fight then let her. I admire her spirit and she's more badly hurt than you." Reiki stepped in patting Sylvia's shoulder. She nodded and smiled at Reiki's words. Lance just grimaced.

They walked up the stairs and onto the platform where they first started off.

Sitting down was Akatsuki Eucliffe griping his sword handle.

"I imagine you knew where I'd be huh Sylv?" Akatsuki asked looking up at his friends from Fairy Tail.

"Cmon Suki, it's five against one. You can't beat us." Sylvia stated softly.

"20 years ago my dad Sting didn't defeat any of your parents because he couldn't bring himself to do it. He saw how hurt and broken you were and knew it wouldn't be fair. So he surrender and handed over the victory to Fairy Tail, and ever since then, Fairy Tail has never lost the Grand Magic Games. I won't make the same mistake as him, I'll prove my worth as a member of Sabertooth. Even if it means beating all five of you in this condition." Akatsuki responded taking on his unique battle stance.

"You're not honestly gonna-" Gale started before Akatsuki ran up to him and kicked him into the nearest wall. Gale coughed up some blood and glared at Akatsuki. He tried getting up before Akatsuki slashed faster than the eye could see at his side. He reached out as he tried to get up and fell back passed out.

Sylvia's eyes widened.

This isn't my Suki. He'd never do this. This was just like before in the Naval Battle. Minerva acted a lot different than she usually did and became the menacing woman she once was. Sting and Rouge lost control too during Luna and Gale's match. It appears that all Sabertooth members can lose control of who they really are when put in situations like this. I just need to snap him out of it.

Sylvia grabbed Rin's arm and pulled him close.

"Rin, this isn't him, he lost control of his emotions like Minerva, Sting, and Rouge did. Let's do our twin attacks to snap him out of it. The only way to win is to truly beat him, or lose." Sylvia whispered in his ear.

Rin pulled back and stared into his sister's serious eyes. With a nod they already knew what attack to do.

Sylvia ran to Akatsuki as he prepared for impact.

"Water Cyclone!" She shouted. Rim jumped over her and symotainously, Rin blasted a Plasma Beam at Akatsuki as Sylvia shot her attack at him.

"Reiki, Lance help us out!" Rin shouted glancing back at their direction and going back to help Sylvia.

Akatsuki held both the twins off with his quick reflexes and movements. He grabbed Rin's wrist and twisted it making him scream. He kicked Jim in the stomach and Rin rolled off no longer able to get up.

Akatsuki was about to attack Sylvia before Reiki rushed in front of her and punched him with his fist full of light.

"Reiki!" Sylvia said in delight and pain.

"That ain't Akatsuki. I'll take him. Take a break and get Lance over here too!" Reiki commanded as he pulled out his sword and charged at Akatsuki.

However, he should've taken Sylvia's warning seriously that he was always better with the sword.

The blades clashed on and off for what seemed for an eternity. Reiki brought his hand up to try and use some of his magic but Akatsuki jumped and kicked it before he could. Reiki cried out in agony as he grabbed his now injured arm. Akatsuki grabbed the back of his collar and kneed his side that was earlier slashed by Kagura's blade.

Reiki fell to his knees and cluched his side.

"Damn it Akatsuki. Snap... out of it. Don't lose control..." Reiki muttered before falling forward onto the ground.

"Two left, which means one of you is the leader. I'm shocked really, I imagined Reiki would be the leader. So, which one of you is the leader so I can get the victory for Sabertooth quicker?" Akatsuki panted facing the woman he loves and his long love rival.

"Why you-" Lance stepped up before Sylvia charged at him yelling. He caught her neck with a quick move of his arm and slowly tightened his grip around her neck while lifting her off the ground. Sylvia clawed at his fist and a tear shed on his skin.

"S-Suki?" She stuttered before he let her drop to the ground unconscious.

"Doesn't she understand that a tiger has always been stronger than a fairy?" Akatsuki asked grimly. He looked back at Lance and saw his angered face. Veins pulsing on his face and arms. Sparks of lightning surging through his eyes.

"You're gonna pay for that!" Lance shouted as he engulfed his fists in lightning and punched Akatsuki's stomach. His punches were too fast and Akatsuki just took them as he tried to stop him but couldn't from this profound rage. Hit after hit, Lance confessed.

"I loved her sister, and when she died I was there for her not you! I fell in love with her before you did! I met her and loved her and cared for her before you! And you took her away from me!"

With those final words, Lance snapped and slammed Akatsuki to the ground. Bruises were spread throughout his body and he was bleeding from all sides.

"I deserve her more than you. I never hurt her and you did. I hate... you." Lance panted as Akatsuki closed his eyes from passing out, hearing every word he said.

And he wouldn't forget it.

"Once again Fairy Tail has won the Grand Magic Games!!!"

Fireworks went off and Lance looked up at them quickly before rushing to Sylvia's side. He held her delicate body in his rough arms and brushed her hair out of her face. He looked around and made sure no one was awake or looking. The screens were off meaning the crowd couldn't see what was happening anymore. He bent down and gave Sylvia a soft kiss.


"Fireworks..." Luna whispered as she, Nash, and Nova finally exited the castle.

"You think we won?" Nova asked slightly smiling.

"Of course we did..." Nash stated smiling, "Because we're the number one guild in Fiore."


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