Training (Fullbuster Family)

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"Water Lock!" an 18 year old Sylvia shouted as she trapped her twin brother in her magic spell.

"Crap!" Rin shouted but immediately regretted because he realized he couldn't breathe. It wasn't fair in his opinion because Sylvia's S-Class and he isn't. 

"Good Sylvia, now just keep your grip on him until he's too weak to move then attack again! Rin, find a way to escape this water lock. If I did with your mother before, you can escape your sister to!" Gray shouted at his children. He loved training his kids just like Master Ur trained him when he was young. Only this time, he'd be able to train them for their whole lives. Rin then knew what to do. He got in his icemaker stance and froze the water lock. It burst out into shards and were all aimed towards  Sylvia which she could unfortunately couldn't dodge. 

"Errgh." Sylvia muttered as she was hit. She may have been S-Class, but she was known to be very delicate. Her hard work and training got her to S-Class. She was known for also pushing herself too far at times. 

She got up instantly and yelled, "Icemake Lance!" Lances or ice shot towards Rin and he barely dodged them with each one brushing past his skin. 

"Couldn't hit me that time Sylv!" He bragged when he looked up. 

"Uh oh..." Rin muttered when he looked up to see Sylvia disappear. 

From behind him he suddenly heard, "Water Nebula!" A blast of hot water shot him from the back and Rin crumbled to the ground. 

"Ugh..." he groaned as he realized he lost, again.

"Good work you two." Gray said clapping. Sylvia smiled from ear-to-ear and helped Rin up to his feet.

"You get distracted way too easily. Remember that in the heat of battle, you won't have time to brag. You can save that for after the match." Sylvia stated as she hugged her twin. Rin smiled at Sylvia's usual wisdom.

"Heh, just like big sis Mika!" Rin said aloud although he meant to say it in his head. Sylvia stiffened at the mention of her name. Rin then realized his mistake.

"Uh, Sylv, I'm so sorry I-I, didn't mean to-" Rin was inturuppted by Sylvia letting go of him and walking back inside of their home holding back tears.

"It's alright Rin, I know you didn't mean to. We all still don't understand why Sylvia can't move on..." Gray explained to his son. Rin nodded but deep inside he still wanted to know why Sylvia couldn't move from this...

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