It's Too Late

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Future Reiki and Nash were leading Luna, Nova, and Nash to the underground part of the castle where the Celestial Dragon would be born out of Nash's magic power. Nash grew uncomfortable as the memories of him being tortured starting crawling back up to his head. Before he could think about it any further a hand touched his shoulder. 

"Yeah, I remember too. It's one of those memories that sticks with you till the end." said Future Nash trying to comfort his past self. Nash looked down and nodded slowly. 

"We're here." said Future Reiki. Everyone stopped once they realized they were outside the door. 

"Nova, as soon as we walk in there'll be guards waiting. Just hit em with an Evil Blast and we should be fine." added Future Nash. Nova nodded in agreement. She turned the door knob in a slow fashion to peek at how many guards were in the room. She counted 14. She swung the door open and released her evil energy from her body knocking out all 14 guards swiftly. She motioned her hand forward telling everyone the coast was clear. They all walked down the stair case to find something completely horrid in the center. Near completion, was the Celestial Dragon inside a wide tall cylindrical tube. Several connections were placed throughout its body and bubbles emerged from its terrifying jaw. Future Nash surprisingly just cursed under his breath at the sight of the dragon. He looked over to his Reiki to find him completely shaking.

"This dragon... killed all our friends." He muttered, his eyes red with rage. Future Nash quickly held his hand to calm him down.

"That's why we're here. To stop it from rising. Just restrain yourself." he calmly whispered. Future Reiki's hand softened in his and his eyes settled back to its normal eye color. 

"How do we destroy it?" asked Luna butting in. Future Reiki and Nash immediately started performing magic spells on the dragon. They spoke in a different language and chanted a few words over and over again. Suddenly they both froze at the same time. A tear fell from Nash's eyes and he collapsed onto his knees. 

"It's too late..." he whispered now crying. 

"Reiki what the hell is he talking about!?" Nova shouted confused. Future Reiki turned around slowly with a look of disappointment.

"All of Nash's Celestial Magic was already infused inside. It's only a matter of time until this dragon rises." Reiki replied in defeat.

Luna stared at the dragon that lay before her. The future that Future Reiki had described to them would happen.

It was only a matter of time.

A/N: OH NO THE DRAGON WILL RISE?!?!?!?! Anyways hope ya'll enjoyed this chappppp!! :) (Kinda short tho my b)

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