Next Gen Tartaros: Torture

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(Longest chapter I've ever done. Very gruesome. If you find reading this uncomfortable you don't have to finish reading it :D)

Everything went dark for all the guild members. They all ended up in dark rooms. Their arms and ankles were all chained to a wall. 


Lance's eyes slowly opened as he saw the girl he once loved

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Lance's eyes slowly opened as he saw the girl he once loved.

Zero grabbed his chin forcing him to gain more consciousness.

"Lance Dreyar. The almighty son of Mirajane and Laxus of Fairy Tail. Your parents formidably defeated previous members of the dark guild Tartaros. However that won't be the case with us," Zero whispered at the end smirking evilly.

"Get... out of... Mika's... body..." Lance managed to say. 

His body was aching everywhere. It even hurt him to speak. How he survivedthe explosion was still plaguing his mind. 

"Hm, I've actually come to like this body. I had no idea Mika Fullbuster left such a mark on Fairy Tail. It made using this body so much more fun. Heheh, did you see the look on Sylvia's face when I stabbed her! Priceless!" Zero laughed mockingly wiping a fake tear away from her eye.

Lance grimaced at the mention of Sylvia's name and pulled on his chains.

"Oh my, touchy subject I see. Then again, she was the one you fell for after Mika died," Zero said with a glint in her eyes.

Lance looked at the floor in shame. He knew it was true but he hated to admit it. Falling in love with Sylvia made Lance feel even worse for Mika's death.

"Don't worry, I'll help you atone for your sin," Zero said with a psychotic look in her eye as she grinned. 

Zero closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A blurry figure of a person emerged from her body and collapsed to the floor. The figure had a human appearance of a girl. She was transparent with a shade of white over her almost like a ghost. She had chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles that immidatly chained her to the wall. The girl looked up and stared Lance in the eyes.

"M-Mika?" Lance muttered shaking uncontrollably. Her body was badly bruised and she had a sad look in her eyes. But it was her, Lance knew it was. She opened her mouth as her eyes widened and teared up but she was stopped by Zero putting a cloth over her mouth.

"You see, a part of Mika's soul remained alive. Stubborn girl I'll say. She refused to give me control of her body. So I defeated her in the spiritual realm and took control of this lovely body. I learned how to use this spell which allows her soul to take physical form. Looks like she still has wounds from our fight," Zero explained.

She stroked Mika's crying face. In a split second, Lance also had a cloth over his mouth not letting him speak. 

"What better punishment to give you than having to see the woman you loved right in front of you without being able to say a single word? Now you'll never be able to tell her how much you loved her. Suits you fairies right," Zero stated grinning madly. 

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