Her Death

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A/N: Hoi guys I wanted to make this chapter because someone asked me to on private message and so people can understand who Mika Fullbuster really was. I mean she's my O/C but I didn't make her a major character in this series so she wouldn't interfere with kkumri's characters and so it would add more depth into the Fullbuster's past. So I'm just gonna write this chap it gets pretty sad but I mean she died so it makes sense XD If you guys aren't interested in her death and how it happened specifically then please wait for the next chapter! Thx <3

"Sylvia~" Mika whispered slightly moving her little sister to wake her up. 

"Five more... minutes big... sis..." 13 year old Sylvia groaned as she covered her head with her pillow.

"Cmon you said you wanted to start training in the mornings." Mika lifted the pillow revealing Sylvia's grinning face. She nodded and jumped out of bed already in her usual clothes, a white skirt with a dark blue long sleeved crop top with the fabric pinned to her skin. It made a V in the middle of her chest revealing her necklace that Gray made for her. 

The sisters quietly left their home and went to the lake that they always trained at. It was one of Mika's favorite things, training Sylvia. Sometimes she'd train both her little twins but Storm trained Rin more often. Mika's magic was very similar to Sylvia's. Ice Water Maker Magic. Ice Demon Slayer Magic. However, instead of being a Water Dragon Slayer, she was an Ice Dragon Slayer. It was because of their similar magic that made Sylvia very strong. Mika was able to use her training methods with her and they would work.

After about two hours of training, Mika and Sylvia went to the Fairy Tail guild hall. Sylvia ran up to Rosemary who had returned from a job request with Reiki.

"It was amazing!" 13 year old Rosemary exclaimed. Rin walked up to her shyly blushing and Sylvia snickered.

"Anything you wanna tell Rose RinRin?" Sylvia grinned as Rin turned a brighter red. He gave Rosemary a heartwarming hug and whispered something in her ear that Sylvia couldn't hear. They were both blushing when Rin pulled away. Suddenly two figures walked up to the two ruffling their hair.

"You guys are going to be the cutest couple when you're older." 16 year old Luna stated laughing giving Rosemary a welcome back hug.

"Nova's wearing off on me because even I want you two together." 16 year old Storm replied to Luna's statement. 

17 year old's Gale and Nova turned around from the bar and raised their drinks to what Storm said as the guild laughed.

Mika, Lance, and Reiki, the 18 year old's, chatted about going on an S-Class quest together soon. 15 year old Nash shyly welcomed back Reiki.

"Looks like someone missed me more than others~" Reiki flirtatiously smirked at Nash as he turned bright red and ran off, Reiki close behind. 

Mika giggled as she leaned her head on Lance's shoulder making him blush. Sylvia ran up to Mika and jumped on her lap ruining Lance's moment with her. The guild roared with laughter and cheers from another happy day at the guild hall.


About a week passed and Mika and Sylvia were on their way back from Sylvia's first S-class mission which went surprisingly well. 

"You're definitely gonna make S-Class this year. I know it." Mika assured as she and Sylvia reached the end of the forest and looked down at Magnolia, their home not so far away.

"I'm gonna beat every S-Class wizard one day. Well, maybe not Reiki. Nova? I don't know. Lance is pretty strong... But one thing I know for sure is that I'll beat you!" Sylvia laughed hugging her sister. Before Mika could respond, they heard a rustling from the trees behind them. Mika protectively stepped in front of Sylvia by instinct. 

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