Rin x Rosemary: Sleeping Beauty

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Rin's P.O.V.

I was reminded consistently by my parents how destroying 1/4 of a city to get a girl is a bit too far (Fairy Tail Next Gen Texts, yea stuff happens XD). 

"Seriously Rin, Laxus made me and your mother pay half of the damage!" Gray continued to lecture rubbing his eyes. "What am I gonna do with you kids..."

"Oh come on Gray~Sama! Don't be so harsh on your son. He only did it for the woman he loves~!" Juvia smiled brightly. 

I could already feel my face heating up so I looked away.

"Erza's daughter? Well she is a pretty one... eh what can I say, Fairy Tail has destroyed a lot more in the past!" Gray grinned. I rolled his eyes but slightly smiled. Another reason why I love being a Fullbuster. 

Cool Parents ;)  

I was heading back to my place after an hour of lecturing that led up to cookies made by mama. Although she may not seem like it, Juvia Fullbuster makes some awesome sweets...

As I was a few blocks away from me and Sylvia's house I stopped myself. 

Why not visit Rose?

She mentioned something about Reiki and Nash not coming back till midnight for like a late night date or something. So I ran faster than I thought I could to her house. Along the way I encountered several things like, people asking if I've seen their dog, help to tie their shoes, dogs chasing me, and girls recognizing me from Sorcerer Weekly. You know, I appreciate having so many fans but jeez! 

After all those obstacles, I was so tired I could barely knock on her door. For a second I didn't think she heard me so I was about to knock again when the door opened. Unfortunately, my hand continued to move forward and...

Rosemary's P.O.V.

I opened my door and Rin was standing there looking exhausted. I think he was gonna knock again cause his hand kept going forward.

Unfortunately, it stopped on a spot that isn't exactly where I hoped it would be. His hand was groping my breast...

His eyes widened once he realized where they were and he pulled back finally waking up I guess.

"Oh my I-I'm so sorry Rose I-I didn't mean t-to!" He said rapidly holding my hand on his knees begging for forgiveness.

"Heh, uh it's ok! You're lucky that Reiki isn't here." I chuckled lifting him from the ground.

He rubbed his neck nervously and looked at me silently asking if he could come inside. I let him in and for the entire time he was here, we watched movies, played games, and talked about everyday things.

"And I win again!" I happily said placing down my cards. We were playing a regular game of poker.

"What?! This game is rigged." Rin huffed.

"Nah, I'm just better at the game than you." I smirked giving him a light peck on the cheek. His chest immediately went back down as he relaxed. He got up and sat down on the couch opening his arm asking for me to sit next to him. I slid in smiling and put my hand on his chest.

"Today was fun." I said softly.

"I did a lot to get here."

"Yeah yeah, you told me."

Rin looked down at me since he was taller and smiled. He bent down and gave me a small but passionate kiss on the lips. When we broke away, we just sat there enjoying being in each other's arms and slowly fell asleep...

Reiki's P.O.V.

I opened the door quietly since I imagined Rosemary would be asleep. Nash followed close behind. I looked to see two figures on the couch and Nash dashed quietly ahead of me.

I saw him holding in a laugh as he motioned ne towards him. I walked over to see Rosemary soundly sleeping in Rin's arms. Both smiling. I grabbed Nash's waist pulling him close to me. He layed his head on my shoulder.

"They're adorable aren't they?" He whispered. I nodded and whispered to Nash to go to sleep. I went back to my room to grab a blanket and put it over the sleeping couple. Rin started moving and half opened his eyes.

I put my finger over my mouth telling him to be quite.

"Go back to sleep Sleeping Beauty." I whispered. He was still a bit dazed but I could see a small smile form on his lips. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

A/N: Awwww... You prob thought that Rosemary was Sleeping Beauty huh? PLOT TWIST XD

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