Next Gen Tartaros: Escape

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Akatsuki let one final tear go down his face as they finished for the fifth time their business with Sylvia.

The entire time she was screaming but when they were done she'd never speak. Sylvia would stay quite unable to say a word to brighten the situation. She was truly scared.

One of the guards came back and looked at them both with a tinge of remorse in his eyes. He took a long sigh and uncuffed both of the wizards.

"7 minutes. That's all you get," said the guard as he shut the door. Even the guards of Next Gen Tartaros felt remorse for the fairies.

Akatsuki immediately rushed to Sylvia's side taking off his torn shirt and wrapping it around her.

He stroked her hair as she slowly let tears fall down her cheek and buried her face in Akatsuki's chest.

"I'm... sorry you had to see-" Sylvia began.

"Don't apologize for what they did to you. Let me just... hold you," Akatsuki whispered giving Sylvia a soft kiss on her forehead.

Meanwhile, Reiki had just regained conciousness.

"N-Nash? Are you-" Reiki's eyes widened when he saw the damage that was inflicted upon Nash's body.

"That bastard I swear when I find him..." Reiki growled getting angry.

Nash looked up wearily but surely.

"He'll come back soon... pretend your unconscious," Nash said hoarsely.

Reiki grimaced and looked down at his cuffs.

"If only I could get out of these cuffs- WAIT!" Reiki half yelled at the end examining the cuffs more closely.

"What is it?" Nash asked looking at his own cuffs curiously.

"These aren't the same magic bearing cuffs that were used on our parents! When the old Tartaros guild hall was destroyed the cuffs must've gotten destroyed too! We can break out of them! No one's escaped already because they assumed that these were the same cuffs! Gah I'm so stupid! I'll get us outta here along with everybody else Nash just hold on," Reiki finished lifting his torso as much as he could.

A soft light grew from his hands. His magic energy was far too low for it to be healthy.

"Here..." Nash muttered lifting his hand letting a light flow from his hand to Reiki.

"Nash! You'll run out of power you can't-"

"If anyone can break us out of hear it's you. We didn't agree to make this magic exchange bond for no reason," Nash argued letting what little magic power he had go to Reiki.

Reiki grimaced but accepted it. He had almost forgotten what it felt to have a decent amount of magic energy.

The light in his hands were much brighter and he blasted the cuffs off his wrist.

He got up and got rid of the ones by his ankles as well. Reiki rushed to Nash and blasted his cuffs off.

Reiki pushed Nash onto his back and kicked down the door suprisingly fast.

There was a cell right right in front of them and Reiki kicked that one down to find Akatsuki holding Sylvia.

"Akatsuki?! Sylvia!" Reiki half yelled gently putting Nash down and kneeling down to them. He reached out to touch Sylvia's shoulder but she moved back shaking.

"What did they do to her?" Reiki asked clenching his fist.

Sylvia and Reiki had gone on several S-Class quests together and they formed a brother sister bond. Seeing her like that got him pissed off.

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