Reiki x Nash: Models

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Nash's P.O.V.

"Jeez Reiki you know they're gonna ask you to change anyway right?" I groaned leaning on his door as he changed.

"Still gotta make a good impression. We are the new faces of Fairy Tail so it's always good to look the best!" Reiki replied as he opened the door. Since Reiki didn't tell me he was going to open the door, I fell right into his arms.

He pulled my head back and smiled down at me as I smiled back.

"So clingy~" Reiki chuckled. I rolled my eyes and pushed my head higher urging him for a kiss. He gave a quick kiss on my nose and we walked to the photo shoot with Sorcerer Weekly hand in hand.

There was a lot of photos of us without our shirts obviously and we had our fans waiting for us outside.

The security staff asked them to leave because we were supposed to do a "secret" photo shoot.

"Uh Reiki?"

"I'm just as confused as you are babe."

Once everybody left the photographer came up to us.

"Due to some very high demands for this type of photo shoot from the public and your guild, we have no other choice but to do so."

Reiki's P.O.V.

"What type of photo shoot are you talking about...?" Nash asked nervously.

His face was a little flustered. He must be having dirty thoughts again...

The photographer walked to his little desk of photos. He grabbed some and walked back to us. He showed us photos of coupled doing very close and personal poses. Their faces literally an inch apart, stuff like that.

I honestly didn't mind. I mean I love doing things with Nash so I had no problem. Nash on the other hand...

"But t-t-that's so close!" He stuttered covering his red face with his hands.

I chuckled and uncovered his shaking hands.

"It's me so you got nothing to worry about. Just pretend we're home by ourselves. You're always comfortable doing whatever in that situation right?" I asked giving his blonde hair a light stroke.

With a sigh and a blush Nash looked up at the photographer and nodded.

The photo shoot went great honestly. Nash got to sit on top of me. I got to carry Nash by holding his thighs at the closest point to his butt. The last photo was my favorite.

It was me with one hand holding Nash's hand and with the other pulling back my hair. Nash held my hand and with the other he held my face. I had to put on a shocked face because the memo was that I  apparently didn't see it coming.

However I actually didn't. They only told Nash what to do. So in those few moments where he was smiling holding my face, which was a move I was only allowed to pull, I was totally stunned.

His soft smile made my stomach flutter and when the flashes stopped and they said we were done for the day, I couldn't restrain myself.

I pulled him in for a long kiss on set. Flashes shot and on that issue of Sorcerer Weekly, that kiss was in it.

Nash was mad about what I did, but I was happy.

"Honestly, you have zero self control." Nash mumbled as he read his book on the couch.

I smirked and pulled the book down putting my body over his.

"Like this?" I whispered.

He blushed madly and put the book smack in my face to stop me from going any further.

A/N: Cute.... :3

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