Emilio - He Breaks Up With You.

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Y/N Pov:

All day i have been cleaning, waiting for Emilio to text me back. He's been too busy lately so I haven't been able to see him lately and it sucks cause I miss him so much.

I heard my phone go off, pausing my music that I was playing, notifying me that I had a text. I stopped what I was doing to check my phone. I got excited a little bit cause it said Emilio texted me. I quickly unlocked my phone and pressed the notification.


Hey, this is really hard for me to do but....i know that I've been really busy lately and I've been slacking on texting you and I'm sorry for that. I would tell you this in person but I'm about to leave for a photoshoot. I am really sorry for this but we should break up. It's just that my feelings for you have faded and I don't want to lead you on any further than I already have. You're a beautiful girl and your the most amazing thing that has happened to me for a very long time. I just really hope you don't hate me for this. I'm sorry..

As I read his text I couldn't stop crying. How could he just lose his feelings for me? We have only been dating for a couple weeks and we only got to see each other a couple times. And how long has his feelings for me faded? And if I was the most amazing thing that has happened to him then why break up with me? I didn't understand what so ever. He should've told me the moment he felt that way. I thought relationships were all about trust, loyalty, and being honest with each other. That's all I ever wanted from someone. I'm pissed that he did this over text. The least he could've done was called me...

A/N: Long story short. This actually happened to me like a couple weeks ago. My ex broke up with me cause his "feelings for me faded" I thought I should have it as a topic cause why the hell not. Plus it's one of the main reasons why I haven't been updating cause I've been depressed about it. But im slowly getting better so thank you guys for sticking around 😌🖤

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