Emilio - He Cheats (Part 2)

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A/N: someone asked for part 2 so I decided to write a second part. If you don't remember what happened go read the first part. Haven't updated this book in a while.

Y/N Pov:

I had stayed at my friends house. I couldn't be in the Team 10 house. Tessa betrayed me. Pretty sure Chance is pissed at her. I feel like I should just move out. I don't think I could forgive Emilio for what he did, but knowing me I'll probably take him back cause I really do love him.

"Corinna, what should I do?"

"Just do whatever you think you should do. Do you still love him?"


"Was that the first fight you've guys gotten into?"


"Then you should give him a second chance."

"How do I even talk to him about it though."

"Not sure, your gonna have to figure it out."

"Thanks Corinna."

"No problem."


After contemplating on going back to the house, I finally made up my mind and stopped being a pussy. I parked my car in front of the house.

The last time I was here was when Emilio and I were fighting. Which was like a couple days ago. I breathed heavily before walking out of my car. I was actually surprised cause there were no fans in from of the house. Which is weird cause fans are usually outside 24/7.

I walked in the house with my phone and keys in hand. The house looked empty. Now that I think about it, I didn't see any cars in front of the house. Is everyone gone? I'm kind of hoping that Emilio is only here. I checked downstairs to see if anyone was here. Nick was at his computer.

"Hey Nick."

"Oh, y/n, your back."

"Yeah, is Emilio here?"

"I think he's in the shower upstairs."

"Okay, thanks."



"Just so you know, Emilio does love you, you know?"

I smiled at Nick.


I walked upstairs to our room. I slowly opened the door. Emilio was in his boxers. It looked like he was just now changing. I closed the door and he turned around.


"Hey, Emi."

Emilio walked up to me.

"What are you doing here?"

I couldn't even look at him in the eye. I was looking down the whole time.

"I, uhm, I came to talk to you."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"No, I mean, uh, I don't- I don't know Emilio. I just-"

I sighed and began to cry. Emilio walked closer to me. He gently grabbed my chin and lifted my face up so I was looking at him. He grabbed my arms and rubbed his hands up and down. His touches instantly gave me goosebumps.

I looked at his face. It looked like he's been crying or he hasn't gotten any sleep. He has bags under his eyes.

"I don't know what to say to you Emi."

I walked over to our bed and layed down. He layed down next to me.

"Can we please talk this out?"

"What do you want me to say? Like, I don't know to say to you. What even was going through your head when you kissed Tessa?"

I turned my body so I was facing him, he did the same.

"It was wrong, I know it was wrong. I don't know what happened. Tessa and I were planning for mine and your 3 year anniversary gift and I guess we got caught up in the moment. We kissed as soon as you walked in."

I started to tear up even more.

"You what?"

"We kissed as soon-"

"No, not that. You remembered?"

"Of course I remembered Babe."

Emilio brought up his hand to my face and wiped my tears away. He then grabbed my waist and pulled me so I was on top of him. I was between his legs. He rested his hands on my lower back.

"I really want to forgive you but I'm afraid that you'll hurt me again."

"Please give a second chance. I regret kissing Tessa. I don't ever want to lose you. I love you y/n."

I gently grabbed his face. I looked at him in his eyes then to his lips. I leaned in and closed my eyes. He instantly started kissing me back. He lowered one of his hands to my butt and groped it. I moaned through the kiss.

"Okay, woah."

I pulled away and turned my head. Jake, Chance, Tony, and Ivan were standing there. Jake was vlogging.

"Oh my god, you guys can't just walk in. Go away."

"There gonna do it."

"Go away!"

They walked out and closed the door.

"We need a lock on our door."

I turned my head back around to look down at Emilio.


"I love you."

Emilio pecked me on the lips.

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