Ivan - Christmas

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Y/N Pov:

I opened my eyes and a bright light blinded me so I closed my eyes again. I groaned and turned over. I could feel someone laying next to me. I opened my eyes again. It was Ivan. I stared at him while he slept. That sounds really creepy..but yeah. Ivan turned so that he was laying on his back. I could hear his light snores.

I got up and went to the bathroom. As I got out, my phone kept vibrating on the table.

Who the hell is calling me?

I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID. It was unknown. I was hesitant at first but I answered it anyways.


"Is Ivan there?"

"Who's this?"

"It's Emilio! His brother."

"Oh, yeah, sorry. He's sleeping right now. Want me to tell him you called whenever he decides to wake up?"


"Okay, I will. How'd you get my number anyways?"

I sat down on the bed.

"Y/BF/N." ( Your Best Friends Name)

"Oh okay. I'm surprised I didn't have your number."

"Yeah, same here."

I sighed and looked behind me. Ivan was starting to wake up.

"Well, I should go."

"Okay, remember to tell Ivan I called."

"Sure thing."

"Merry Christmas."

Oh, shit.

"Merry Christmas."

I hung up the call. I actually forgot it was Christmas. I turned my head around to look at Ivan. He was staring at me.

"Who was on the phone?"

"Your brother. He wanted you to call him."

"I'll call him back later."

Ivan sat up and sat by me.

"Let's go down stairs. There are presents."


Ivan and I went downstairs. Ivan and I finally had our own place. Someone knocked on our door. I opened the door to see Tessa and Tristan.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?"

"We came to celebrate Christmas with you and Ivan. We brought presents!"

"Awe, you two shouldn't have. I didn't get you anything."

"You don't need to."

"Well, come on in. We were about to open our presents."


Tessa and Tristan walked in and sat on the couch. They each had two presents. Tessa handed me one and Tristan handed me one and then they passed the other present to Ivan. I just stared at it.

"Open them."

I sat by Ivan on the couch. I decided to open Tessa's first. I ripped open the wrapping paper. Then I opened a box. There was a jar with a bunch of notes in it. On the front of the jar it said:


"All off those notes have something written on them and it's all of my favorite memories we had together."

"Awe, thank you Tess."

There was another jar. It was a little smaller. This time, on the front it said:

I opened it and it had a whole lot of y/f/c (your favorite candy). When I opened the jar there was a necklace on top. It said Best Friends but it was split down the middle so it was separated.

"Tessa....you shouldn't have."

"One half is for you and the other is for me."

"Now I feel bad for not getting you anything. This means so much to me. Thank you Tess."

I hugged her and then I went to open Tristan's present that he got for me. It was his merch.

"Thanks Tristan."

"No problem..and I know you've been asking for my merch so I decided to give you some of my merch for Christmas."

I was looking at all the merch he got for me but then there was something at the bottom.

"Remember when I did that prank on you and ruined your Gucci Shoes....well I bought you new ones."

"Awe, thank you Tristan."


After opening a bunch of other presents from Ivan and Ivan opening a bunch of presents from me, I had one last gift. It was a small little box. Tessa, Tristan, and Ivan were staring at me. I slowly opened the box and it was a key....like a car key.

"Ivan...what is this?"

"Go outside and see."

"Stop playing Ivan. This better not be a joke. I swear to-"

"Just go outside."

I stood and walked outside to the front with Tessa, Tristan, and Ivan following. My mouth hung open. There's no way this is mine. I walked up to the car. No....I don't believe he bought me a freakin Tesla...


I stopped what I was saying as I turned around and looked down. Ivan was kneeling on one knee. He held up a small, black box opened and there was a ring in it.

I instantly dropped the car keys.


I started to tear up."

"Y/N, we've been together for four years now and I enjoyed every single moment with you. I can really see my future with you. I want to grow old with you and have a family. I love you so much...will you marry me."

At this point I had tears down my cheeks. I looked up at Tessa and Tristan. They were both vlogging. I looked back down at Ivan. I nodded my head.

"Yes! Yes, I will!"

Ivan slid on the wedding ring on my ring finger. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you."

A/N: can you guys comment some YouTube ideas that I could do? Or comment what you guys want to see on my channel? :))

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