Ivan - He's Abusive.

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A/N: I am so so so so fuckin sorry for not updating lately. Lately I've been going through some shiit. But I got through it so now I'm back. Ya'll probably think im dead or sum shit lmao.

y/n pov:

I quietly and slowly opened the front door. I didn't want Ivan to hear. It's already two in the morning. He's actually going to kill me. I'm hoping that he isn't awake right now. I walked in the house and slowly closed the door. As I turned around, the lights turned on. I jumped and my back hit the door.


"Where have you been?"

"I've been with my Mom."

"It's 2:40 in the morning y/n."

"I-I know."

I looked down at my feet cause I was too scared to look at him in the face.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

I stood still and didn't listen. He walked up to me. Ivan forcefully grabbed me by my face and made me look at him. I hate it when he's like this.

"What did I just say? Hm?"

"Look at you when you're talking to me."

He sighed.

"That's right. Now, I'm going to ask again. Where have you been? Hm?"

"I-I was hanging out with Tessa."

"Are you lying?"

"I'm telling the truth. You can even call or text her and ask."

"No. I believe you."

Ivan trailed his eyes down to my lips and up to my eyes. He started to smirk.

"Question is.... Why did you lie to me about where you were?"

"I don't know."

He quickly grabbed me by my upper arms and slammed me against the door. I quickly shut my eyes.

"Why'd you lie?"

"C-cause... I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

I slowly opened my eyes. His face was getting too close to mine. I could smell the alcohol from his breath.


Ivan started to smirk again. He backed away from me slowly. But then he grabbed my wrist, tightly.

"Ivan, p-please. "

"Shut up."

I could feel tears starting to form in the brim of my eyes. He pulled me with him up to our room. He pushed me on the bed.

"Stay, don't move."

He walked over to the door and shut it and locked it. He walked over to the window and shut it and closed the blinds. He walked over back to the bed, near our bedside table. He opened a drawer and pulled out handcuffs.

"What are y-you doing?"

"Turn over on your stomach."

I didn't listen at first so he turned me over himself and handcuffed my hands to the bed.


"Shut up."

I couldn't see what he was doing. I felt him lift up my shirt. I could hear him unbuckling his belt on his jeans.

"This will teach you a lesson. Maybe now you won't lie to me again."


"Don't speak. I'm not finished. Every hit against your back, you better count. Got it?"


"I said got it!"

"Got it."

He whipped me with his belt on my back.

"Can't hear you."


Another hit.


Another one.


And another.








He kept going until the count of 15. He finally stopped. My back was on fire at this point. It felt like I was bleeding. I couldn't handle all the pain. Ivan dropped the belt and walked out of the room and slammed the door.

A/N: ohh yiiikes. What did I just write ? 💀💀

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