Emilio - Scars & Bruises

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A/N: Thank you guys SO freaking much for 20K+ Reads!! That is amazing! I know I probably said the same thing when I got 10K+ Reads, but still. Thank you!! Just wanted to let you guys know I read all of your guys comments that I get. I love that you guys take your time out of your day to even comment/vote on this story. Anyways, I'll stop talking so you can read:))


Y/N Pov:

Everyone in Team 10 wanted to go out to go to the beach. I'm the only who doesn't. I told everyone that I didn't want to go but Emilio is making me. He said it's going to be fun. It wold be fun for.me if I didn't have to worry about my bruises and scars.

I wanted to wear a bathing suit but I just can't. What if I get made fun of because of my bruises? I've been holding this off for a while now. I wouldn't have to worry about it if it wasn't for him.

My Dad is the reason I have all these bruises and scars around my stomach and back. They were slowly healing, but not fast enough. I looked at myself through the mirror. A bunch of bruises were on my stomach. I had one scar in th middle of my stomach. He had stabbed me right in the middle. I had called the ambulance quickly.

I was lucky they even made in time. A couple minutes later and I could've died. How am I going to tell Emilio? I didn't want to tell him for the longest time cause I was ashamed.

I am ashamed of my own body and there's nothing I can do about it. I would try to hide the bruises and scars with make up but it wouldn't work. The only person who knows about bruises and scar is Tessa.

I was changing one day and she walked in and saw everything. I instantly started crying in front of her. She ran over to me and comforted me. I am thankful she didn't tell anyone that day, especially Emilio.

But...today's the day I have to tell Emilio. I put on one of Emilio's black shirts over my bathing suit. It looked long on me. It went to my thighs. As on time, Emilio walked in our room.

"Babe, you ready?"

"Uhm, Emilio, we uh, we need to talk."

Emilio already looked concerned. He shut the door. He walked over to me.

"What's wrong?"

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I pulled him over to our bed. We both sat down.


I breathed in and out, slowly.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"What? No, no, of course not!"

Emilio sighed.

"Okay, well then, what's wrong?"

"I....I can't go to the beach with you guys."

"Why don't you want to go with us? It'll be fun."

"There's something I gotta show you."

I started to tear up. I looked down at our intertwined hands. He used his other hand to cup my cheek. I looked back up to him.

"Babe, why are you crying? What's wrong?"

I breathed in and out, again.


I took my hand out of his and stood up. Emilio looked concerned and confused. Emilio stood up in front of me. I slowly too his shirt off that was on me. He looked down at my stomach. He looked back up to me.

More tears started flowing. Emilio walked closer to me and gently grabbed me by my waist.

"What happened?"

He said, barely even a whisper.

"My Dad used to beat me."

"He what?"

I could tell Emilio was feeling a bunch of emotions right now.

"You and Tessa are the only ones who know about this."

"How does Tessa know?"

"She walked in on me while I was changing, so I told her what happened. But she hasn't told anyone, like she promised."

"Why would he do that to you?"

"He was an abusive drunk. When my Mom had died, he took his his anger out all on me. He blamed me for Mom dying."

Emilio wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around him.

"I'll stay here with you."

"No, you should go have fun."

"No, I'm staying here with you y/n."

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