Chapter 138: 10 days later, Akatsuki organization will arrive at Ximen clan

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10 days later, Akatsuki organization will arrive at Ximen clan

"What happened Tianyou?" Seeing Ren Tianyou looked somewhat unusual, Lan Yan and others immediately asked with curiosity. And they also revealed anxious expression on their faces, as they didn't know why the reaction of Ren Tianyou was like this after hearing the news.

"It's nothing." Ren Tianyou waved his hand, indicating everything was fine, then taking a deep breath, he looked towards Lan Yan and asked, "Lan Yan, tell me everything about the matter of this Ximen Feng and Wang Yuxin."

"Ok, Ok." Although he didn't understand why Ren Tianyou had such a big reaction after hearing this news and why he was asking more about it, nevertheless since Ren Tianyou asked, he started to tell them all the things he knew about this matter.

"This matter is like this, as far as I know Ailer Empire's Ximen clan and Wang clan are always in friendly terms. And they always wanted to form an alliance by marriage from earlier times, thereby solidifying the friendship between their clans." Lan Yan cleared his throat, and began to explain systematically. And Ren Tianyou just quietly sat on his seat without any expression on his face, and just silently listen to the explanation of Lan Yan. But both hands on the table that were tightly clasped showed that he was not that calm inside his heart.


"So after the decision, Ximen and Wang clan scheduled the wedding ceremony after 10 days at the Soaring dragon mountain villa of Ximen clan which is located at the imperial capital of Ailer Empire. At that time, basically all the powerful and big forces of Divine Wind continent will send someone to join this wedding ceremony. Even our Lan clan will attend this."

Quietly listening the narration of Lan Yan, everyone who were sitting there were able to clearly sense a powerful aura of Ren Tianyou which was gradually rising. Just when his aura was about to break out from his body, a hand pressed his shoulder, and feeling this hand in his shoulder, the mind of Ren Tianyou gradually sobered.

"A close call, I almost wanted to..........." Ren Tianyou sighed a breath of relief inside his heart. Just now he was infatuated to the point that he almost triggered the evil nature of Uchiha clan. After that he looked towards the owner of this hand——-Li Jianrong.

"Thanks a lot."

"Just a moment ago you said that we are already friends, and friends don't say these kinds of words." Li Jianrong shrugged his shoulder, and said to Ren Tianyou, "And I think you have something to say to us."

"Yes, Tianyou, tell us frankly, is Ximen Feng your enemy? Just now when you hear the matter of Ximen Feng's marriage, your complexion directly become abnormal." Li Feng also asked worriedly.

"Yeah, Tianyou, if you need any help from us, you can just ask us without any hesitation. Although Ximen clan is powerful, nevertheless all of us not necessarily fear them." Luo Tianxing also opened his mouth. No need to talk about Li Jianrong and Yan Xinluo who had the identity of being from ancient 100 clan, even Luo clan of Luo Tianxing, and the imperial clan of Long You were comparable to Ximen clan in strength. And the Lan clan of Lan Yan was a business clan, so they have armed military whose power was perhaps almost comparable to Ximen clan, but if you talk about financial capacity, they are far more above Ximen clan. Li clan of Li Feng was an old illusion clan, whose strength was also nowhere that weak.

Looking at the guys around him, Ren Tianyou felt warmth inside his heart. After that he slowly took a deep breath, and decided to tell them his matter, not for anything else, but because they were his friends.

"I actually had a name before, called Ximen Tianlong. But I was driven out from the Ximen clan, and then I was chased to kill by the peoples of Ximen clan."

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