chapter 11: Break out of person with a poor sense of direction

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Ren Tianyou slowly walked on the road, unexpectedly he felt extraordinarily relaxed when he arrived at human society, after leaving his residence at Magical Beasts' Forest where he had stayed for two years.

When he was at Magical Beasts' Forest, he was always thinking only about how he could improve his strength as soon as possible, and spent his each and every day of two years in intense cultivation and training. Each day with the exception of time needed for doing his daily needs, all the remaining time were spent in training to increase his strength. In order to learn high level ninjutsu, every day he forced himself to go to challenge powerful magical beasts, for the sake of increasing his strength. He had done all of this for getting vengeance for the original owner 'Ximen Tianlong' and then find the way back to his home.

So to speak, although the System in his body was quite helpful to increase his strength in this two years period of time, still his own great effort to cultivate was also equally or if not, more essential.

And now that he suddenly left his intense cultivation schedule and arrived to outside society, he actually felt something was little off, because compared to two years of intense training, now his body felt an unprecedented sense of relief, as if a huge burden was suddenly removed from his body.

But after walking for a while he discovered an issue, and that was currently he didn't know the way to the nearest town or where it was.

"Well, it seems I must stop someone and ask, otherwise I don't know where to go this time."

At that time he suddenly heard the sound of carriages from behind him, he turned around, and saw two carriages were coming from his rear, and those carriages were drawn by the horses which were different than the horses on the Earth. These horses were not only tall and big, but the most important thing was it also possessed a silver colored pointed horn. And next to these two carriages, there were four people who were riding the same type of horses. These four people were dispersed as if they were making a kind of formation to surround these two carriages.

"Well, unexpectedly it is a Gale horse, it seems the identity of these peoples are not ordinary ah." After he saw these peculiar type of horses, he talked to himself.

From the former memory of the body he had identified these Gale horses. Gale horse, class four magical beast, but it was gentle in nature, so there was nothing to talk about its attack potential, can be tamed and turned into a mount, but it is fast as lightning and it can travel the distance of 5000li in a day. The average person couldn't use these Gale horses, but these Gale horses were available to use in Ximen clan.

"Well, no matter, first stop them and ask for the direction. Otherwise, gods knows when I could meet another living person. It is getting darker, and I, your father don't want to sleep outside and feed my bloods to mosquitoes."

Although the status of this group of peoples were not ordinary, nevertheless he boldly decided to stop them and ask for direction, because there was too few pedestrians along the path and if he don't asked these peoples then he didn't know when he'll meet another person.

"Hello, uncle, stop for a second, I want to ask one thing." When they arrived at the side of him, he quickly blocked them, and spoke towards the middle-aged man with a bread who was riding on the strong looking Gale horse. The other three looked 17 or 18 years old youngster, and he still felt that the older peoples were more reliable than younger, so he spoke towards middle-aged person.

But the next words of that person completely dumbfounded him on the spot.

"F**k, bastard, who are you calling uncle? I, your father am only 19 years old, only grew a bit faster, nothing more. And you unexpectedly call me uncle, are your eyes just for a show, ah dumb idiot."

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