Chapter 106: Prototype Akatsuki group

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Prototype Akatsuki group

Sea heaven, border town of Tianlan kingdom, this town was right next to seashore, was an extremely beautiful seaside small town. This town have extremely rich marine resources, the residents of this town depend on the neighborhood sea area to make their living.

At the Mercenary guild branch of Sea heaven town, a person wearing a white haori entered. This person was naturally Ren Tianyou. After he was fed up with the clothing of Sasuke, Ren Tianyou decided to exchange the haori of Fourth Hokage. After he wore this haori, it seemed like Ren Tianyou gave other peoples a kind of extremely positive appearance.

Ren Tianyou had inquired about how he could reach God weeping region, and it seems he first had to arrive Sea heaven to do so. As a result Ren Tianyou had hurried to this Sea Heaven town. Then without much extra effort he found the Mercenary branch of this town and decided to accept the mission of Purple gauze sky magnificent flower from this branch.

Arriving at this Sea heaven town, Ren Tianyou saw a huge building at the center of this town, and the sigh above it reads———-Mercenary Guild. Many peoples were entering and exiting from the main entrance of this Mercenary guild branch, and overwhelmingly majority of them were mercenaries. These mercenaries all depends on the missions of Mercenary guild to support their family and themselves. And some portion of those peoples had come to issue the missions.

Entering the Mercenary guild, Ren Tianyou instantly felt that the world outside and inside the mercenary guild was different. The bustling noises just like a swarm of flies buzzing in ears, constantly buzzed in his ears. First time entering the mercenary guild and Ren Tianyou instantly felt that his mind was spinning, and he started to get agitated. Now Ren Tianyou finally clearly understood, why Sun Wukong couldn't bear Tangseng. This noise really is f**king irritating, don't you think so?

Ren Tianyou raised his head, and looked inside the mercenary guild. Then he instantly discovered the mission taking window. After that he directly walked towards that window. The crowd of peoples in the mercenary guild couldn't obstruct the steps of Ren Tianyou, and it seemed like Ren Tainyou was walking in an empty street. He directly walked past the crowd of mercenaries in front of him, but it seems all those mercenaries didn't find anything strange about this.

Walking all the way without stopping, Ren Tianyou arrived near the mission taking window, and lined up. Waiting for a long time, finally the turn of Ren Tianyou came. Ren Tainyou walked forward, and he said smilingly to the girl whose brows were beaded with sweat, "Hello, I'm here to accept a mission."

"Would you please show me your proof of mercenary?" That female replied back after hearing Ren Tainyou.

Hearing this female, Ren Tianyou was clearly stunned. He had not thought that he needs the proof of mercenary to accept the mission. "Eh, I don't have any proof of mercenary."

"If you do not have the proof of mercenary, then you are unable to take missions. First you need to get the identity of mercenary to take any mission issued by mercenary guild." Hearing that Ren Tianyou was just a green horn, this girl didn't mock him, but explained to Ren Tianyou.

"What should I do to get this identity of mercenary?" hearing this girl, Ren Tianyou directly asked.

"For identity of mercenary, you need to pay the handling fee of ten gold coins. No need to do anything else."

"Then, please get me an identity of mercenary. After that help me register ten member mercenary group." After hearing this female reply, Ren Tianyou thought for a bit, then decided to establish the prototype Akatsuki group in this different world. And when he found a suitable person, he would invite them to join this group one by one.

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