☠Task Three: A Plain Arrival ☠

290 15 32

Since Grainne Miller, Vayu Sharma, Sailee Daniels, Sterling Everest, and Madaline Teal were kind enough to die horrifically in the previous task, that means only three of you will perish this time! Let's hop to it, shall we?


Have you ever wondered what it's like to step into a world that's completely plain? One that's void of anything that could be considered remotely interesting? Perhaps, this is how you view yourself when seen from the outside. Perhaps it isn't. Here in the rock caves, with the shiver of a siren's song still in your ears, and the burning of a volcano behind you, plain is exactly what you'll come to fear. 

Ener now into a dark, dank, dripping world. Cold, gravelly rocks and pebbles hurt your feet as you step over them and for some reason, your back begins to ache the farther you walk. Are you getting old? Tired, perhaps? Are you in need of a nice, long rest? A backrub? We know we are. Unfortunately, the only other souls down here with you are but wisps of your imagination and none too friendly. For in the deep chasm of this dull, emptied caves, something is following you. Just out of the corner of your vision. Never quite close enough to the light. Don't try to look for features, for you will find none. Only pale, waxy flesh that has never seen sunlight and a face devoid of all expression. Like unfinished dolls, they scamper between the rocks. This is their home. Their hunting ground. As they approach you, slowly at first, your pain begins to grow. The closer they become, the more unbearable it is, until you can take no more. You must kill these figures; however, we'd never make it that simple for you. Upon their death, they will take the form of someone your tribute knows. Someone close to them.

How does your tribute react? That is, if you can escape them at all. When you enter into this rocky world, you always leave a little stonier, a little colder, and forgotten between the walls of these endless caves.  


2,750 Words


Three ballots!

Three deaths!


Saturday, August 25th at 10 PM CST

Don't forget our thirty minute cushion time!


Congratulations to Milo Periander for getting the most ballots this round! Looks like at least eight people hate you! Because of this, you're looking for a little revenge. You must use all three in-entry deaths!

And for you, Upton Snapper, for pissing us off the most and putting "Orange & Stone" as your choices last time, you must turn in twelve hours early. Which means Saturday, August 25th at 10 AM CST is your deadline! 


For this task your choices are:

Green or Pineapple?

As well as:

Extreme Death or Open Heart Surgery?

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