chapter 16

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the manor... was... pink. decorated all cutesy and girly with colorful pastels, stuffed toys and stickers. ooohh.... "ooorw..." you moaned in shock at the place. the servants raced to sebastian as if they were being chased by a maniac. they... were... dolled up as well. well. bard and finny was. mey-rin was fine the way she was anyhow. you fully entered and looked around in slight disgust. a bit too much. every nook and cranny of the damn joint was decorated in an overly pink girlish manner. A few stuffed animals would have done..

suddenly, a high voice that broke the sound barrier erupted out of nowhere.


suddenly a girl with large, blonde drill-shaped pigtails rammed into Ciel and hugged and smothered him to oblivion. she was dressed in an overly cute manner like the porcelain dolls you used to see in the shops on the streets. she was rambling on about how much she missed Ciel and on how cute he was. "lady Elizabeth." sebastian finally said. she turned around and she seemed to have calmed down slightly. "oh! hello, sebastian!" she chirped. then her eyes trailed to your small form.

then you both made eye contact.

her face brightened up and she squeaked at the sight of you. oh no. "Oh ciel! you never told me about your adorable little kitty!" she squealed. suddenly, she plucked you out of sebastian's comforting grip and held you up in the air and twirled with you in her grip. "oh ciel, she's so cute just look at her cute little eyes and shiny fur! oh she's just as adorable as you are! so cute! so cute!" she rambled on while spinning you. finally, she stopped and gave you a quizzical stare. "but aren't you allergic to cats, ciel?" she asked. "that cat is a rare javanese. her breed doesn't have the protein to trigger allergies." sebastian elaborated. Ciel huffed hastily and stepped in. "she's also injured. be careful with her!" Elizabeth looked down and your bandaged leg and frowned. "aw... poor thing..." ciel then slowly started to approach her. "now if you would just hand her over-" he started, but Elizabeth cut him off. "I know what would cheer you up! I'll put you in an outfit so adorable, you'd forget about a silly little injury! I'll even find a matching bandage for you!~" she piped up. it took everything in your body not to just claw her blind and run for the hills. control... control is key. "come on, let's get you dressed up!~" she giggled, running off with you in her grip. MASTER HEEEEELP!! "YEAAOOORW!!" you yowled in desperation. "LIZZY, WAIT!" Ciel called to her. but the door already slammed shut behind her.
"Oooh! you look absolutely adorable now!" squealed lizzy as she looks over you. you were in an overly pink frilly dress with an enormous dark pink bow tie around your neck and tail. your bandage was a pink ribbon tied in a bow. this was complete with two pink bows on your ears.

oh it was TIGHT

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oh it was TIGHT. every inch of your body was in cased in a horribly tight grip. you didn't even want to move! lizzy didn't notice the tortured look in your thinly slit eyes. this girl's trying to kill me. "mmmrrrr...." you growled, almost inaudibly. "wait here, I have to show ciel!" she squeaked as she ran out of the room. this blonde is nuts... you think to yourself as you look down.

a minute later, you hear lizzy's voice. "here she is ciel! isn't she adorable?!" she said, gesturing to you. ciel takes a look at you and his face becomes blank. "er.. she's..." he could feel the feelings of humiliation and torture in your eyes. "definitely pink.." he muttered, making lizzy giggle. "oh you're such a doll!" she hugged him into a tight embrace. "well! now that everyone is decorated so cutely, let's throw a ball tonight!~" she stated twirling. you saw blood drain from ciel's face at the mention of a ball. "but I don't want a-" he started to protest, but lizzy had already dashed off. after staring off into her direction for a while, he sighed in defeat and looked over to you.

he sulks to you and scoops you up. and you have to marry her?? "mmrreaw??" you meowed in disbelief. somehow understanding you, he dryly replied. "tell me about it." before walking out of the room.

♤The Phantomhive Feline♤ Ciel Phantomhive X kitten readerWhere stories live. Discover now