D: "What 'my fault'?! Don't you dare saying that again!"

Next moment he took a swing and hit you. But not on the arm, in the face. He didn't even feel sorry. You went into your room. You spent the night crying until you fell asleep.

Next evening Jeonghan met up with you again. Your swollen red cheek literally shined. You tried to hide it but how if it's on such an obvious place. You decided to let it be and met up with your boyfriend.

You hugged each other again as you arrived. Jeonghan kissed you on the top of your head and stroked your cheek meanwhile. This touch made you hiss in pain and push away. He was surprised "What's wrong?".

Yn: "Nothing, I'm fine."

Jh: "Show me, please."

Yn: "Jeonghan, please understand you can't help me."

You were close to crying again. Jeonghan took your arm and turned you around to face him. He immediately noticed your wound. You've never seen him that shocked and upset at the same time. He looked at it suspiciously and put his finger on it carefully.

Jh: "Y-Your dad hit you?"

Yn: "Sigh.....Yes. Yesterday when I came home."

He immediately pulled you into another hug and crossed his hands tight behind your back as a sign of protection. Even he was close to crying. Why could someone hurt his girlfriend?

He led you to a park bench and sat down next to you. He quickly texted someone on his phone but then focused on you again. He stroked you kindly and gave you his coffee. Jeonghan knew this calmed you down. You told him everything in detail, like you always did. You trusted him more than anyone else.

A few moments later 12 other boys arrived. Your friends aka his group members. You were all very close friends. As they saw you crying on the bench next to Jeonghan they immediately came running towards you. They placed themselves around you and stroked you, talked to you and tried to calm you down. You appreciated that. You showed them your wound what left a shocked expression on their faces. Jeonghan started to get more and more upset and angry.

He stood up getting the others attention.

Jh: "Y/N, you can stay here or come with us."

Yn: "Where are we going?"

Jh: "This can't continue. I'll tell your dad what I think now."

Yn: "W-what?"

Jh: "You've heard right. Do you want to stay or come with us?"

Yn: "......I'll accompany you."

All of the members were upset, Jeonghan the most. He walked in front of everyone while you walked at the back with Dokyeom. He calmed you down as good as possible.

As you arrived at your home, Jeonghan rang on the doorbell. A few moments later your dad opened shocked of how many people stood there.

D: "Woah, why are you all here and who are you?"

Jh: "I'm her boyfriend and I'm here to tell you that the way you treat Y/N is unacceptable! She came with a wound on her cheek! You can't hit her! You always just shout or yell at her! Don't treat her like that! I'm tired of seeing her cry and hurt! Just stop that!"

D: "Don't shout at me like that, boy! You can't change it anyway!"

Jh: "Oh and how I can change it!"

You winced in the back in Dokyeom's arms. You couldn't see that fight.

Vernon: "We wouldn't be like that if what you did was fine, sir."

D: "That's ridiculous. Whatever, you won't tell me anything. But Jeonghan, you could have a better girlfriend than Y/N. Why did you choose Y/N? I mean, she's fat, ugly, untalented-"

Jh: "Never say that again.....Never. She's the best one I could have. I won't ever leave her. I could never hurt her. Never."

Your dad was about to hit Jeonghan as well but before he could you went in front of him and grabbed your dad's arm "Don't do it! You can hurt ME but not Jeonghan.".

The boys were all telling your dad what they've been thinking, Jeonghan complained about him. Suddenly Jeonghan had an idea.

Jh: "Y/N, you won't stay here. Joshua, Seungkwan, Wonwoo, go inside with her and help her taking her stuff. She'll move to the dorm."

You were shocked and confused at the same time. None of the boys seemed to have a problem with it. The three chosen boys nodded and took you inside. Your dad wanted to stop you but he couldn't. You took some of your stuff and left the apartment. You looked at your confused dad as Jeonghan held your waist. "Bye, dad.", were your only words. You all left and went to the dorm. Jeonghan suddenly protected you from everything.

"Sigh.....How can I ever thank you, guys?", You asked smiling slyly.

Jeonghan looks you into the eyes "By not meeting your dad again. Not even thinking about him, okay?"

You nodded and smiled. Jeonghan gave you a kiss which you leaned in in. The others reaction was a simple "Aww they're so cute". And so you lived at Seventeen's dorm. So you became happy after all these years.

1544 words

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