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I finish my final exam and my teacher comes over to collect it. I wait for Yoongi to get done with his Calculus test. He's answering the questions really fast. He's so smart. He finished the test and hands the test to the teacher. We get up and talk to the teachers far a bit. "Have your father call us when the pup is born because we want to see it." My English teacher says. "Will do." Yoongi says. "Okay you kids enjoy your early summer vacation." She says.

I walk out of the classroom first. "Look it's The little fag, Jimin." Kevin says. "Where's your boyfriend to protect you?" He asks. Yoongi walks up behind me. Kevin glares and walks away to his football friends. "Let's get you home before someone else sees you." Yoongi says. "Okay." He says. Luckily I'm wearing yoongis over sized hoodie so it covers my belly. We walk out to Jungkooks car and drive home. "What's going on tonight?" I ask. "I have to work till 2am." He says.

"Do you have to?" I whine. "We're not getting into this again." He says. I start crying. "Jimin you're not going to get me." He says. "You don't love me." I say. He stops the car. "What did you just say?" He asks. "Nothing." I say. "You just said I didn't love you." He says. "No I didn't." I say. "I don't love you?" He asks. "Yoongi don't-" I say but he cuts me off. "Just stop." He says. He starts driving again. "Yoongi-" I say. "Just stop." He says.

He drives us home. He shuts the car door and goes into the house. I follow him in slowly. He goes upstairs angrily. I stay downstairs because I don't want to make him any madder. "Whys Yoongi so mad?" Taehyung asks. "I don't want to talk about it." I say. Yoongi comes downstairs in his waiter uniform. He leaves without saying anything to me. "He's really pissed." Taehyung says. "Yeah." I say.

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