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I wake up and feel Yoongis hand on my stomach. I look over and see him sleeping peacefully. I'm hear a knock on the door. I don't want to get up. The door opens and I see Taehyung. He walks quietly over me and sits on the bed. Yoongis head shoots up and glares at Taehyung. "He's fine." I say to Yoongi. Yoongi puts his head down. "It's time for school." He says. "Yoongi lets get up." I say. He gets up and we get up to get ready. Then the pup starts kicking. "Ah." I say.

"What's wrong." Yoongi says running over to me. "Pups kicking." I say. He puts his hand on my stomach feeling the kicking. He smiles softly. I love his smile. He looks up at me. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says. We continue to get ready. I put on one of yoongis sweatshirt. We go downstairs and I see everyone downstairs. I walk down the stairs slowly. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey preggers." Taehyung jokes. "Bite me." I say. "Not while you're pregnant." He says.

"Whatever." I say going into the kitchen. "Hey Minnie." Jungkook says. "Hey kookie." I say. "How you feeling?" He asks. "Sick." I say. He hands me a plate of food. "Thank you." I say. I sit down at the table. Lisa walks in. "Hey Jimin." She says. "Hi." I say eating my breakfast. She sets a pill in front of me. I pick it up and take it. I learn not to argue with her. The pup starts kicking again. "Ah." I say again. Yoongi runs into the room. He's so over protective.

He stands there watching us as Lisa pulls up my sweatshirt and feels my stomach. "Yoongi come over here." She says. Yoongis walks over. He stand on the other side of me. "Give me your hand." She says. Yoongi hesitantly gives his hand to her, squatting down next to me. She puts it on my stomach where the pups kicking. He smiles softly before his face changing. Fuck he's freaking out.

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