“You know, I always knew that something was different about you when I first met you,” he said which made my head shoot up to look at him and a frown form on my face. Seeing my expression, he continued quickly. “It’s not a bad thing. You just had this way about you even though all those months ago you were completely different than you are now. A shell of a person but a switch flipped on and you just transformed in front of our eyes. You have a good heart Lamia. Perhaps not everyone is ready to forgive you completely but give them time. You have left a mark of some sort on each of us and that will never go away,” he finished.

            I wiped away a tear that had fallen during his short speech. That was a nice thing to say. I’ve never been described in such a way. Taking in his words, I leaned my head against his shoulder and gave him a side hug which I returned. “I hope you’re right Carlisle. Thanks for making me feel better,” I said pulling away. He chuckled then returned to his spot in front of me, offering me his hand to help me stand from the bed.

            “Everyone’s here, waiting downstairs to talk to you,” he said leading me through the door. My heart skipped a beat. Everyone? Does that mean Embry was here? I couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of seeing him again but as I made my way into the living room, the only member of the pack present was Sam which made me mood deplete.

            “Where’s the rest of the pack?” I couldn’t help but ask. Sam shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Everybody else smiled at my entrance except him. Did he not see my situation the same way that the Cullens did?

            “Until I hear your side of the story and decide for myself, you still aren’t allowed on La Push land. As long as that stays in effect and you remain here, then no one is to cross the border unless I say so. Even Embry,” he admitted almost seemingly embarrassed by his behavior. I gave him a soft smile.

            “I understand Sam. You have to protect your pack and lands,” I replied. He nodded at me in acknowledgement. I turned my attention back to the whole room. Everyone had settled in a seat and was patiently waiting for me to tell my story. I stood slightly fidgeting at their stares.

            “So I guess I better start at the beginning,” I began, rubbing the back of my neck. This was going to be hard but it needed to be done. I needed to let it all out and this was the place to do it. In front of my closest friends. Well, all except one.

            “Well I don’t really remember much about my life before I became a servant for the Volturi. Well…I always considered myself a slave, not a servant. Sometimes I can get images of my parents. Aro said that when I was taken, they were not harmed but I know better. I often questioned why I was taken but I never really got an answer. Maybe because none of them could get a read on my thoughts? I don’t know,” I exclaimed with a shrug.

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