Dipping And Dabbling

Start from the beginning

Yvette's POV in1997

She came closer to where Devante and I were and I swear to God, I thought I saw  the hash slinging slasher but her voiced reminded me that i didn't. "Hey Big Daddy. I missed you. oh yeah...it's nice seeing you here, Yasmin.", Malina said. Devante rolled his eyes and sighed. I looked at him and got up and took a deep breath. "Look bitch, i will tell you once. My name is Yvette and you are at my baby's birthday and the afterparty of my wedding with my husband. So what the fuck do you want? You got 1 minute to tell  him what you want until I escort you or beat your ass whichever you're comfortable with.", I said.  "Devante can you please get your cousin out of my face. You know how much I hate people in my face talking for more than 3 seconds.", Malina said.  I became fumed with rage. At this point, I just wanted to take her out myself but unfortunately I had to stay on the wall and keep listening to the situation. "Devante, you better say something to her before I drag ha ass out", I said. Devante pulled her over and started talking to her. "Malina what the fuck is you wearing and what the fuck is wrong with yo face? It look like you looks like you just got done crying.", Devante said to the dumb bitch. "Wellll if you must know Daddyyyy.... I fell asleep last until and didn't wake up until  an hour ago so I rushed to do my makeup, take a quick washup, do my hair and just looking good for my man you know what i'm saying?", the bitch said. Devante had an unsure look on his face. He didn't know if he should believe it or not. As Malina kept babbling on and on as to why she is SUPER late to the event, Devante noticed something new on Malina. "Hey", Devante said. Malina still kept talking. "Uhhh Malina", Devante said and she still kept talking. He took a deep breath and semi-yelled and said,"can you shut the fuck up damn." "I can't even get a motherfucking word out from your talkative ass. You just keep going and going and going like the fucking energizer bunny." Malina instantly stopped talking and listened to every word he was saying. "Now that I got your attention. I just wanna ask you one thing?", Devante said. Malina had a very nervous look on her face and I leaned near a wall just to listen to that one question he was gonna ask. "What the fuck is the purple thing around your neck?", Devante asked. Oh shit. "What purple thing?", the lying hoe asked stupidly. Girl you know what the fuck he talking about. might as well come clean. " So you don't feel that motherfucking hickey on yo neck cuz i know damn well that ain't no fucking birthmark or mole.", he said. "Well I-I-I-I-I was playing baseball yesterday with your son and he threw the ball at my neck. It's just a bruise I swear.", she said. Wow. you couldn't make up a REASONABLE lie and that was not one of them. "Oh okay.", Devante said. while shrugging his shoulders.  What the actually fuck? Is he really believing this shit right now? I heard Malina let out a soft sigh and I was in complete silence. "See baby, I would NEVER lie to you, never", Malina said. I can not believe this shit. not one fucking bit. Devante nodded his head and Malina turned around and was in the process of walking away from him until Devante did something. He grabbed her by her hand and said, "Malina...I gotta ask you something." I stayed where I was at just to listen to his question because I was about to leave as well. "Yeah babyyyyy, what's the question?", Malina said. "You said you was playing baseball with my son, right?",Devante said. "Yeah?", Malina said in a rather questioning way. "Well what I'm trying to ask is this......What's my son's name since you played with him.", Devante asked. Malina was looking stupid as fuck when he asked her that. lol he got that ass. "And while you tell me what my son's name is, how about you name 3 baseball positions for me as well.", he added. Malina was thinking very hard. She was looking everywhere  to find an answer. "I'm waiting for an answer, Malina", Devante said. "Uhhh....your son's name is  Dylan and  about the 3 baseball positions...lets see.....point guard, quarterback and center.", Malina said. Devante looked at her with an annoyed  look on his face. "Bitch my son's name is Justin and you just named 2 basketball and one football position. I think it's time for yo lying ass start stepping.", Devante said. "Liars get caught up in their lies", I said forgetting that I was still on another side of  wall and not realizing that they both could hear me. "What was that noise?", Malina asked. "That's the noise letting you know that i'm done with yo ass you lying ass, cheating ass bitch.  Oh and to let you know , I took all of the credit cards I gave you will be cut off by the end of this day. And security we got a trespasser here. come get this bitch.", Devante said. The security came towards their way and they grabbed Malina and started taking her out of the room. "Wait baby...I didn't cheat on you. ..I-I-I-I-I fought someone and they scratched my neck.", Malina yelled while being taken out. Devante wasn't hearing anything Malina was saying and started walking off. That was my signal to go back where me and Devante were sitting at. I ran back as fast as I could and sat back down in my seat  before Devante  even reached the table. Minutes later, Devante came back to the table and looked at me. " You ain't slick trying watch the whole thing go down", he said. "Well it wasn't my intent to watch. My intent was to tell that Zhen wanted you.", I said. "Oh well, where is the birthday princess?", Devante asked. I looked around to see where she was at, and I found her eating her cake. "Well the birthday princess is over there eating cake. Why don't you go over there and say something to her? She looks a little lonely.", I said to him. Devante shrugged his shoulders and walked away from me. He was walking towards Zhen. Zhen was lonely. I mean she was the only little kid  st her party (besides Malachi and Trey but they're teenagers). And all of the little girls who were at the wedding left with their parents before the party started. 

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